Fiction - Page 725

Thank you to “HornyPilot” for checking some of the grammar mistakes! An 18 years old Dora steps out from The Foggy Forest, where she just helped her old friend fixing his car, again. She look down at her clothes, luckily the oil didn’t ruin her clothes
Every time I looked into her eyes I saw that hunger, that need for humiliation and that longing for an insane extasy that can only come from walking that narrow line between pain and pleasure

"Ron, can you come help me with this?" My fourteen-year old sister was in a dressing room trying on some jeans and shirts. She had to get some bigger clothes because her belly was growing. She was pregnant. Who the father was, none of us knew

Dressed in her usual casual Jeans and loose sweat top, Kay climbed the big wooden staircase. The old dark portraits all stared back at her, filling her with a sense of unease. The squeak of her trainers echoed around the vast building. She’d answered an ad for a maid
I've noticed a serious excess of stories related to incest on this site. I personally took an intrest in the subject, considering my first sexual experience was with my older cousin. I believed and still beleive she's one of the most beautiful women ever
I sat in the living room, huddled in a ball, watching a comedy. I sat and watched for hours when I glanced at the clock and noticed it was nine o'clock. I stood up and adjusted my breasts in the bra and straightened my silk panties and walked up stairs to bed
Before you blow my story off to the next universe Please note it’s a story about love and friendship Leave if you are not into this type of story
That small act of ripping the material off of his own daughter, brought back all the things Jerry loved about the job. How exposing that one little thing could bring humiliation to the victim, the rush of it hit him and he almost forgot that it was his daughter, almost
Inside Me ----- 12 -- The next day started off fairly slow. Bentlee woke Montana and I up and we all somehow made our way into the kitchen and started throwing random breakfast foods together on the stove
Cassandra Andrews got off the bus, the first day at her new school. She was a Junior this year, and she was little nervous. This school was a LOT bigger than her old one. She looked up at the imposing brick building and let the flow of students usher her inside

“Don't be mad, okay?” “Holly no. Tell me you didn't.” “He asked me out, what was I supposed to say?” “How about 'no' for starters?” “Riley, I'm seventeen. Don't you think I'm old enough to go on a real date?” “A real date, yes. With him? No

She didn't register what was going on till her body hit the floor. She had been outside the UPS store in the strip mall like always, waiting for Charlie to finish locking up so he could take her home

Susan had been on set now for 3 hours . The 49 year old mom was now a nymphomaniac thanks to her manager and master Jeff. He was a dope dealer turned hypnotist .Who found that his former high school teacher was now suited to giving head getting fucked anally & up in the cunt for cash

Jim Mitchell travels his medical sales territory in weekly cycles. Every fifth week he would work in Nashville. Being on the road so much was tough on his family. He had been an absentee husband and father for most of his adult life
It had been three days since Betty’s encounter with Bill. The events of their meeting had been on her mind a lot since then. Almost constantly, in fact. And that was her problem