Fiction - Page 762

It took 3 years, but I had finally won my suit against my school. Mr. Jamison had insisted that “girls had to use a girl’s bathroom.” He had told my parents I was unnatural. I was a pervert. A slut

Do I want to save this marriage Ch 7 Blindfolded and securely fastened to a wooden pole, knees digging into the floor, and having listened to my wife have passionate sex with a group of people for the last hour, I was beginning to feel exhausted

Chapter 1 She was just a petty thief, it wasn’t fair, she should’ve gotten a fine or something it was ridiculous to sentence her to a three year imprisonment. April looked out of the window as the barbed wired fence came closer and closer
"Would you mind," Kiki often started like that, and I can't remember anytime I ever did

Fbailey story number 233 After School Special I was in the eighth grade at the time and just turned fourteen years old. My sister was in the seventh grade and thirteen years old
School was finally over and Summer was here. Evelyn was so happy to be out of school and she was really happy to start High School. Her older brother Randy was coming to visit for a couple of weeks. Randy 21, is the oldest brother, he's in college
The Upper Floof I was minding my own business in my club, on the upper floor you understand, the one reserved for gentlemen. I was relaxing after dinner, reading the evening newspaper. Whiling away the time until supper, It was the year the Titanic sank, 1912
My father was wrongfully imprisoned for fourteen years before he became a free man. He was put in prison not long after he got married, just about the time my older sister Sandy was born
It's a hot summer day and I decided to cool off with a nice cool shower. I just get out of the shower when I hear the doorbell ring. I grab a towel which is hanging by the door and go to see who it is at the door

“I can't believe this, it's been what… a god damned month since Raccoon city?” Mark grumbled his question to the woman he was trailing, his partner Amanda was leading them both through the forest, their six man squad broken into three pairs
Well, I knew I had been taking a big risk by joining a females-only dating site. I had been cross dressing for two years, and my mirror had been telling me for months that I was every bit as good looking than many of the girls I knew in the office where I worked
When my colleagues learned that I was still a virgin they started a contest to see who could seduce me. They pooled their money and purchased a nude statuette of Artemis, the virgin goddess of the hunt in Greek mythology. My seducer was to be awarded the statuette as a trophy

You knock on the door of the hotel room. I have been there for some time I open the door just enough for you to see my face. I smile and tell you to close your eyes. Obedient, you comply. I look at your pressed khaki pants and spotless polo shirt..

Case Study 301: A daughter’s Rebel Yell! Welcome back everyone to Chapter 18. This particular chapter will have Taboo themes that may be sensitive to some of you
Chapter 4 Training Days Just a note to readers; if you’re going to give me a negative vote; how about leaving me a little criticism about how to improve my stories? Thanks! I used the butcher’s shower in the dungeon to clean up, and then headed upstairs