Fiction - Page 774

Chapter 9: Beer Wench I wake up Sunday sore and depressed from last night’s ordeal. I can’t even grasp what has happened to me over the last 3 weeks! Four weeks ago I didn’t know anything about sex or men or as it turns out, even my own body
Monday Looking back, it's hard to believe that the best week of my life started out as possibly the worst. And that was on top of a previous week in which my luck had really plunged to an all-time low
My name is Becky and if you’ve read my other story I have a 17 year old son names Ryan. After he tried to blackmail me into giving him a blow job and it back fired, well it didn’t really, I fucked him instead

Welcome to part 9 of "Help!" :) *** “Okay Jake,” Danny said seriously as he continued to make eye contact, “I will tell you, but you have to promise me that you won’t flip out at me like you did last time. I don’t want this to turn into a huge drama like it did then
I head out to the kitchen to get the food for the barbeque, when my daughter comes in wearing her two peice light pink swim suit
How the Journey Ended part 1 The journey past Hedarth had been a long one. First, Eragon and the twelve elves who accompanied faced a large marsh after the desert ended surprisingly only miles into their trek
That certainly woke him up. "Are you really pregnant?" John asked. "Yes, and it's yours John," I replied. Then he just had this stunned look on my face. I think if he planned to have another baby, then it would have happened years ago
A new life with Lee and Emily chapter 5 Still startled by Lee catching me fingering Em then leaving, I kissed Em and then told her that we should clear the roof . “What”she said “are you kidding I want you,what are you doing teasing me”?
For more than a century it had been asleep, hidden in a dusty, abandoned lab. The passing of time held no influence over its crystalline structure but without nourishment, it had grown dormant. A small ember of light appeared in the center of the object, pulsing slowly

Dearest Diary, Ok, sorry about that, I just had to get the tingling out, it was really distracting me. What's amazing is it fit so much better this time! Oh yeah, I didn't tell you about the first time. Sorry
Eva rekindles her dislike of clothes. by Vanessa Evans Part 05 As Eva was coming out of her room to get some coffee on the Friday morning she saw Jade coming out of Jason’s room. “You did say that it was okay didn’t you?” Jade asked Eva
Tears began to stream from my eyes. Within seconds those tears were departing from my face and onto my lap. Kevin just sat there looking like he was in an entire state of shock. My mind was racing; yet, I was absolutely speechless

1– New Friend I walked up to the front door. Hesitantly, I pressed the doorbell, and almost instantly I heard the sound of the girls running downstairs to get the door. I was nervous, but at the same time excited to make some new friends ••• I’m Chloe

Angel’s Initiation, Chapter 2 By: S. Stevenson I encourage you to vote on each part and I invite your comments. So please take the time and let me know what you like and dislike. Thank You, S.S

Late Twelve By Systematic “Can two guys even do that?” Sandy asked. Friday had come at last. Yes, he was in my study, yes, he was in my lap. He still had his pajamas on, and it was going to stay that way. I was injured, after all