Fiction - Page 777

A ray of sun broke through a crevice in my window, shining directly on my face. I covered myself up with the blanket trying to get a few more minutes of sleep. RING… RING… RING My alarm clock blared. "Damn it." I muttered. It seemed like only a minute ago it was 11:00 p.m
It was something that we had both discussed but wasn't really sure how it would go. After having our first threesome with another female, left both of us very curious and open to other experiences. We hadn't really looked at other men to join but he knew she really wanted it
My name is Becky - I don’t think I’m a bad kid although like every teenager I guess I have my moments where I get myself into trouble with my parents or teachers but nothing serious - so I get a bit up tight when I’m not cut a bit of slack for trivial things
When the call first came in, Lieutenant Johnson was so caught up in his daydream he missed it completely. It was from "Here to Eternity" except Christine Miller and him rolled in the surf, completely naked. He could picture it now, her on all fours as he entered her from behind
Karen ended her eighteen years. She has five siblings, she was the oldest one. They had a hard financial situation like many other people in recent times. It was time for her to look for some job perfectly with room to rent or something
It was finally time, they had been sitting there waiting for the last few years
Maxine thought going to a professional photographer to have some naughty photos taken for her husband was a good idea; it had been suggested by her best friend who had done something similar a while back for her boyfriend and she said it had gone down a treat
Allison grinned up at me as my boxers landed on the floor. She wrapped her hands around my hips and my skinny adolescent ass and practically shoved me backwards onto the couch. My cock jutted out rapidly in front of me, and she eyed it hungrily
Monday, August 29, 2005 They had the Program participants strip off in the locker rooms, since there were 15 of us, too many to fit in Dr. Martin's office. I have to confess that I was a little nervous as I began taking off my shoes and socks
A Mostly Unwelcome Surprise By Clove Hardwood (Click on “my stories” to see previous chapters of this story) The following story is entirely a work of fiction
Part 4 - Dana . It would be easy to explain why Father Everett Fontane was not going to hear a soft knock that was soon to come to his office door. It would be harder to explain why the chief priest of Pristine Valley would be seen laying with a blond boy on his office sofa
Kate's daddy leaned against the door of his big BMW waiting for the party to finish. It was just past 10.00pm and the evening was warm. His wife had asked him to pick up their daughter Kate and bring her home. Out of the evening gloom, a young girl of 16 appeared smiling warmly
Hopefully the second day of our beach vacation would not be quite as eventful as the first day. We were all kind of tired from the sexual escapades of yesterday
The next morning… Saturday I was just been having the best, and possibly strangest dream of my life. It was a sex dream, which is totally normal at my age. That’s good to know since I’ve had a LOT of sex dreams in my life. But this was the first time it involved my mother
Pumaville Horny Florida mom has fun with her son by Oediplex 8==3~ A Romantic a' clef: For images to keep in mind while you read this google Courtney Cox; or better yet, check out Diane Webber for nude photos, or email me