Fiction - Page 806

Fbailey story number 723 My Pussy Is Better My sister knows that I look at naked women on the Internet for a while after we are sent to bed. Sometimes she comes in and looks at them too. Then one night when she was looking over my shoulder she said, “My pussy is better

I was in Manila doing research for my next book. Still single after two years. On occasion I would use dating websites. I was on a site late in the evening. A Filipino dating sites. I had found many Filipino single women with kids
Having told my wife Cathy I knew about her video viewing I said I was willing to turn her fantasies into reality. She expressed her desire for partner swapping. I set out to make it come true. Jake had suggested a lunchtime meal and we agreed. It would give us the afternoon for fun
Paula had come back to the room, as the heat was getting to her a bit and Ernie wanted to go and look at the Castle. She said she would have a lie down to cool off for the evening
CAHILL—Part 1 of 6 by Senorlongo The characters in all of my stories are fictitious, but most—if not all—of the places are usually real. Included are towns, cities, roads, restaurants, and even menus
My son led me back to my bedroom. i couldn’t stop him my arms were secured behind my back. He lifted the front of my tee shirt up over my head and down my arms restricting me even more. Then he removed my skirt. Stay there i will just go and get lucky

This is a true story, but it's not my story. Jennifer is an old friend. That's her real name by the way. I see no point in changing names "to protect the innocent" when I'm only sharing her first name and she's anything but innocent
African Intense Experimental Adventures This is Fictional and Please do not steal our idea. My wife Kate, our friend Dean or me are writers. We have read some of the stories on here and we see how many pick on Grammar and Spelling. We are using Open Office to write with
This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual or past events and individuals is entirely coincidental. All characters are 18 years of age or over. I My name is Teddy Carlson. I’m twenty-two years old and I fucked my stepmother

Chapter 2 Without uttering a word to each other, they instantly knew what they had to do to protect themselves from the wrath of their parents

As they stepped into the shower Quagmire watched as Lois's hair became wet, water cascading all over her, dripping down her slim body. He couldn’t believe it his best friend peter Grrifin's wife was in the shower with him
Guide week Part 2 by anon y mouse Apologies dear readers for the lack of sex in part 1 that was the sce setter for this part of the trilogy. Milly and Julie had met on the corner of Richard’s street and were walking up to his house
Disclaimer- I don't own Harry Potter. ________________________________________ Albus spent most of the days preceding Christmas at Rose's house. James was determined to use all of his spare time for Quidditch practice, and he had to go to Rose's house for that

The Busy Redhead Mom Episode Two Part One By: Tom’s Mind Just for the record this takes place about one month after my adventure with my aunt Chrissie. One cold December day I was shovelling the snow out of my driveway when I saw my friend’s mom Susan driving off to work

I was woken up by the rumbling of a big semi-truck, it was 6:15 am. I took a peek out my bedroom window and saw my new neighbors, Mr. G and Mrs. G were hugging and kissing in front of Mr. G’s big red semi-truck. Mrs