Fiction - Page 815

“You want to do what?” Her request was so bizarre I had to hear it again. “Please? I have been obsessing over this idea for months! Can’t you please help me make it happen?” I looked Helen over from head to toe
I did not write this. It was submitted to another site by user jeffo882. I did however heavily edit it to make it both hotter and more like English. Enjoy! ---------- It was a typical Friday morning
The Rainy Afternoon By Docker5000 Saturday Afternoon John Adams was waiting outside his ex-wife’s house sat in his car waiting for his son Billy to come out. It was his Saturday to have the boy. As usual Billy was late. However John would not go up to the door and knock
It had been 3 weeks since that evening and Anna had been so upset she had not been able to speak to Susan since, at first Susan had tried to talk but Anna’s silence had stopped her
I will tell you a little about myself. I am 60 something years old and married. My wife has medical issues that make sex painful for her. So I have not had sex for over two years. If it weren't for Rosey and her sisters I would have a major case of blue balls
Hello! After a long break, i'm looking to be back to writing. Looking for reviews and comments. I love hearing from other Authors, too! So if you're an author of this style, please message me. This story is completely FICTIONAL. All characters are fictional
Samantha is 21, a University student. 5' 6", slim build, brunette, C cup breasts. She had met this guy onlinethey’d chatted a lot, seemed to get on, had similar interests and tastesand seemed to be mutually compatible when it came to sex.but they’d never actually met
Jackie's First Anal By: DamonX () I don't quite remember when I started to become attracted to Jackie. When she first moved in, she was just another roommate, and I figured she'd be gone in a few months. But as the months wore on, we began hanging out quite a bit
Yorkshire, England, a good few years ago. A Small Service. I were working in office at pit head that morning, sun were shining gold on smoke from boiler house, birds was coughing, it hadn’t rained for two days solid, and that’s officially a drought in Yorkshire
My early addiction to drugs and cock had begun. I was fifteen and nearing sixteen if not sixteen already. My height was close to six feet tall (5’11) now and my weight had dropped in the meantime (165 pounds). I was now buying sized tens clothes and steadily smaller
Looking back on it, I should’ve seen it coming. When I was feeling up Gail with trembling hands in her room that day, it didn’t feel the way I did with Cassie. Of course it was exciting and made me hard as a rock, but it was… different
You know,if I'm not mistaken,there's no greater outdoor party on this every planet Earth that could generate enough engery and good times than the Mardi Gras in New Orleans,even though there were also some bad things shoved right into the mix
Jake was my best friend my entire life or I should say 16 years of my life before the car accident took him away. That was a horrible night for me. I lost my best friend because some asshole with a vendetta cut the break lines on his Ferrari
Melody woke up the next morning to Pedro licking her face. She giggled and kissed the small dog on the head before the realization of what happened last night sunk in. Her brother had humiliated her in front of Brandon and then had punked out and left her to pick up the pieces
This story is fiction. But it is based on real events. All the characters are 18 or older. ********** It has been said that life is what happens when you plan to do other things. I was looking to be a simple man with simple goals, but life conspired otherwise