Fiction - Page 816
Jimmy is a co-worker. We are both cops. He was telling me about troubles he is having with his 18 year old daughter Leslie. Jimmy says she doesn't obey him hardly ever and he wishes he could teach her a lesson somehow
First a note to the critics: to those who count the number of mis-spelled words in my stories, I apologize, and tell you that I made the effort to edit and proofread my stories, but the system published the uneditted version anyway, so I offer this comment
“FUCK!” The woman moaned, biting her bottom lip with such a grip that she could begin to taste the metallic flavor of her own blood in her mouth
Two Broken Thumbs I broke both of my thumbs in a car accident, on my 19th birthday no less, The investigating cop said if I’d had my hands at 10 & 2 like they taught in Driver’s Ed, the airbag would have pushed them up and away from the steering wheel
THAT GOES DOUBLE FOR MOTHER One has a split, two make a hole. Or Hole-sum family fun for mom, dad, and me. Done for a quickie cum by Oediplex 8==3~ Dad with golf, got a hole in one; Mom fucking, had a hole for two

Copyright 2018/ jackmiles2 production presents The life and legend of Bryan Ramirez Melody was every boys dream girl
Note: this is a fantasy - in real life, please treat people with respect Angela Dario was 22 and in college, although she rather be working for her dad’s company. She was ambitious and loved business. Her father, Pablo, and his family came to the US when he was two years old

Somewhere remote from civilization, far from prying eyes, a slender third-year college student lay strapped to a bed, naked and helpless

WARNING: this story contains pain and bestiality which are not everyone's thing. It also contains very harsh treatment of a pain slut, so read at your own risk. If you don't like that kind of thing, please don't read it then post "wow, this is sick!" I'm warning you in advance
"Callie I know I just got you pregnant and that was moving really fast, but I know I love you just as much as I loved her mom. She knows I really loved her mom. I'm asking because I know you love me right back
Hi my name is Sean and this is the story of the first time I had sex and the last time. I was twenty years old and it was with the love of my life. The last time I had seen this girl was junior high. Her name was Sara. The first time I met her in collage was junior year
Hey guys this is my first story ever on this site, sorry if there's some mistakes, I have checked it a couple of times but it's late so I'm extremely tired, comment and like
I've never been with a guy or was interested in guys, in a sexual manner. I always considered myself as this straight-acting wannabe tough-guy
How Traditions Start – part 4 An original story by Starrynight. Enjoy. A gentle snow began falling over the fletchers' farm. It was the first snow of the season and it brought with it a promise of Christmas
Sal’s love. Brrrrb. Brrrrrb. Sal picked up the wall phone on the second ring and tucked it under her chin. “Hello.” Her hands were covered in flour and a stray lock of hair got pushed back with her wrist. “I know what you did last summer