Fiction - Page 818
"I dare you not to get a boner." Before Eli could resist, his half-naked sister was on top of him where he laid on his bed, pinning his chest down and sitting firmly on his thighs
Friday afternoon and she was excited. It’s been about seven years since she has seen her friend Jill. She was packing her bags for a weekend with her friend. And then load it in the car as she made her plans to go spend the weekend with her long time friends
My little sister I grew up on a farm with only my parents, my little sister, and of course many animals. My mom home schooled us, so we really didn’t get to see much beyond the farm
It was well past noon when Bridget and Dewayne got into the car and headed for the “adults only” beach. They stopped along the way for sunscreen and a few things for the cooler. The drive seemed as if it would never end
The limo came to pick us up promptly at eight in the evening. We had eaten a light, early dinner several hours ago, then relaxed for a bit. I did my enema about six, figuring that would get everything cleaned out. Then showers, makeup and hair

Three seconds. Three crucial seconds. It was a risk, she knew, to have an entire plan relying on such a small window of time, but a lot can happen in three seconds, the trick was making them unavoidable, creating a fixed path
Dark Fantasies Media The Camping Trip A Mother's Desires Series "John? Where are you?" I called out as I looked around seeing nothing but bushes and trees. "Where is that boy?" I wondered aloud

Chapter nine. Day two, the beginning of the end. Tuesday morning back at my house I awoke in a spooning position, with Marley Paterson’s bare ass cheeks grasping my stiffening prick. Her ass cheeks felt so damned inviting
The town known as Azalea was in its final hours of existence as a populated settlement. The fate of its inhabitants was sealed, because a Machoke with an insatiable drive to kill had taken over, having evolved during a battle following an attempted takeover by Team Rocket
Leanne and I split up and I was now dating an (ex)girl friend of hers. Leanne was obsessed with me and unwilling to accept that I was no longer her boyfriend. I had spent the morning in bed with my new girl enjoying fucking her bare back as she was having her period
Anne walked back to her car after the big concert. Her ears still rang with the music of it. She lit a cigarette that illuminated the darkness around her, making her chestnut hair shine. She was a pretty quiet woman, 20 years of age

There is a blow job describe near the end of this story and there is a clip that inspired the writing of the Shannon series. There are links to the clip at the end of this post, (Shannon II part B) that will direct you to the clip. To me it is one of the hottest things I have ever seen
William and Ann Chapter 12 It was Sunday morning when William decided to go out for an hour-long bike ride
A fedora sat on top of a coat hanger, and a black trench coat hung from it. Smoke filled the room; if you looked through the blurred glass panel on the door, you would think it was because of the glass. But when you opened the door, which glass read, “Charlie Mac

my mother’s name is Susana she is 36 years old the kind of body you’d call chubby. And yes she was still in high school when she had me…. She was around 5ft 2in tall. And according to her bra size she was a 38G she never remarried after my father died…3 years ago.