Fiction - Page 846

Chapter Four Thomas sighed as he sat at his computer. He loved that his parents left him the run of the house. It was nice. It gave him time to think. Emily was still in her depressed stupor. Haley was being the nice little sister that Joey expected her to be
Ann’s Confession’s Chapter II I had been in Florida for 11 months when I brought my girls down; they were out of school for the summer and were going to spend it with me. I rented a nice apartment about a block from Mom’s house
It took a while, but we got there :D ________________________________- "I have a question for you Ali" Rob Taylor said, over the general whispers of the circle
Lilith was strapped naked to an X-cross in front of a group of wealthy men preparing to bid for first use of her body
Fbailey story number 172 Grandma Granddaughter I was visiting a friend of mine in Boston. Sue is a little older than I am at sixty-six while I am sixty. She has a beautiful daughter named Alyssa that is now thirty-six and has a daughter of her own Jamie that is only five
The other team mothers and I did our best to control the chaos, but it was a losing battle. Twenty-two 17- and 18-year-old testosterone fueled athletes fresh off a championship win were a force of nature not to be reckoned with
My professor is hot and has penetrating blue eyes. It is difficult for me to keep my attention on the lecture and not stare at him. Every move he makes adds tp my growing imagination of what I would like to do with him; promising unmanageable delights
The ride home was painful. We said nothing most of the way. The passionate highs I had reached over the past few hours were evenly matched with the lows I was now feeling. My heart was pounding and my stomach was in knots. I felt like I might vomit at any second
Chapter 2 of 3 All comments and feedback appreciated. Aaron lay awake on the couch in the morning while he waited for Stephen to return. He stared blankly at the spinning ceiling fan as he ruminated over the activities of last night
Whomever said sleep comes easy in the arms of one that you love clearly never fucked his hot sister. I was exhausted not 3 hours earlier and yet now all I can do is try to stop myself from mounting and possessing Lydia. She fell asleep so easily and peacefully in my arms
​ When the wheels touched down and I felt the bump, I knew I was back home. Back with the rules and regulations and norms that had not been a part of my life for the last 18 months
In the fall when I turned 15, Liz, no longer in school, began dating on a regular basis but she still found time to come to my room, sometimes after coming home from a date. I continually wanted to do more than just get each other off
Hailey heard Julie's car squeal away from outside and looked round the room trying to take in what had just happened
Sara Henderson opened the door to her newly purchased house, smiling to herself as she usually did. As she closed the door, her labrador scurried through the door to her right and jumped up at her
“Oh yeah I’m about to blow!” “Cum all over my throat right now!” Maria walks into her brother’s room and yells, “RICKY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YOU’RE ONLY 11!” as she quickly grabs the plug to the T.V. and pulls it. “Come on Maria, all of my friends told me to watch this