Girls domination - Page 10

Ok guys this is my first an maybe last post, depending on how well this story is received. I was bored and had some free time so I thought that I'd turn one of my more memorable events into a story. So let me know what you all think. He woke up feeling a little drowsy
Before i start my story i would like to introduce the main people because i feel that describing people during the story disrupts the flow me: jason b im 22 years old, 6 ft tall, muddy brown hair, average build not too skinny or fat

“I am innocent to a witch. I know not what a witch is.” “How do you know, then, that you are not one?” -Examination of Bridget Bishop, Salem Village, April 19, 1692 *** “Abbie Hobbs is a witch,” Ruth said. Phoebe was standing with her locker open, brushing her hair

After been eaten and sucked by Helen, Steph and Claire, Dawn stood up and begged them to allow her to get dressed so she could leave. Her request was declined as her friend was still in the kitchen, bound, blindfolded and gagged

“Draby, yall know very well of my stand on masturbation, am I correct?” “Yes, sir” “Good. Then you know that my harsh laws are for the benefit of the boys of Brownsville, ain’t ya?” “Yes, sir” “Good, good. Then this boy Will, I need ya to lead him to ‘salvation’

"Your face might as well have writing on it, because you are a slutty read girl," Jade said to her little busty petite brunette classmate, May. "Just likes dicks when it comes to chip stacks, size says everything," May confidently replied

BAM1 Shelley Jackson stalked down the hallway, her face set in a grimace. She shook strands of her short black hair out of her eyes, then glared at Spencer Tulliver as he chuckled. "What's so fucking funny?" "You," he said
Jennys' Wild Ride By Jax_Teller It was a long hot day and I tried to sleep some knowing I had to work later that night. I couldn’t sleep or nap for all the noise in the neighborhood. I decided to get some tanning time in and I set up my lounge chair in the yard

This is the sequel to my story, My Favorite Babysitter Ever. By now, you know who I am, what I look like and how I got my first real feel for sexual pleasure. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did feeling it and writing it

After another short sponge-bath the red-head jerked him upright and headed for the stairs without a word, leaving her cock-ties in place

Sir watched Brad bemusedly in the mirror as he clumsily hobbled around on his chin and knees behind her. The overturned plate of her breakfast leavings having been licked clean, Brad himself was now in ignominious pursuit of her half-eaten piece of toast

Ron got out of his 6 year old Dodge, sweat running down his face slamming the door. They shouldn't be allowed to make a car without air conditioning! Into the house, into the bedroom. into the shower coming out with a towel wrapped around him