Group Sex

OPEN WINDOW When Erin turned sixteen, she was still a virgin. That didn't last long though because her boyfriend, Sam, finally convinced her to go all the way one hot summer night a few months after her sixteenth birthday
We reached the construction jobsite about dusk and the work crews were in the process to putting tools away and securing the area. Debbie handed me a hard hat and we jumped out of her car. There were three buildings in different stages of construction
Poster's notes This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too

PART 3: Samantha's parents were out of town and she was throwing a party with a lot of her classmates from high school. The party was heating up and most of the crowd was already drunk from the kegs that her friends' brother had brought

Rachael could feel her cheeks getting warmer and weirdly enough it was not from heat of the campfire she was sitting around alongwith three of her best guy friends.It was because of the question that one of them had asked

Cock Worshipper – Part 4: Eighteen When I was18 is when I came out to everyone, although no one was surprised and I think I always had that “cocksucker” look about me. It was shortly after I had met a guy named Joey who did gay porn

This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, or have any affiliation with the author. Chapter 8 ‘Say that again,’ said Voldemort dangerously as he sat in the living room of Malfoy Manor
atter so I thought of places to pick up guys I decide I’ll try the disco club again so I did went back this time I met two Filipinas Carol and Tina 26 and 24 respectively both were drinking with other nationals on one table, they invited me after we met at the ladies room and I joined in
My good friend Gween and I both had two children in the same age in high school. They were best friends and where both on the same baseball team in town. Beleive it or not are husbands were also the coaches of the baseball team. First let me describe myself

SIERRA The moans and screams of my teenage daughter flow from her open bedroom window and into the backyard. The neighbors give me amused expressions while I hurriedly run to the back door and fumble with the keys

Billy Williams was my best friend at that time and we were virtually inseparable. Billy was a few month’s younger than me, tall and slender, with fairly long, light brown hair. We’d pal around and do all kinds of things together
Tammy and I had been working hard the last couple of months. I was gone for weeks at a time in my tractor trailer so we were missing each other a lot. When things slowed down some I was planning a trip to Sarasota for us without talking to Tammy about it
The four of us were sitting round our dinner table enjoying the last of the wine which my sister, Wendy, and her boyfriend, Brad, had brought as their contribution to the meal. “How the hell am I going to go a month without sex while you are away?”, I asked
My wife told me she never really had a boyfriend before she was 14 but she did go on alot of dates and partied with alot of guys, mostly giving them handjobs, letting some younger guys finger bang her and touch her tits!

A continuation of the long weekend in Mexico - I left the ladies in the bathroom and went looking for coffee. Found some and to say the least it was strong and what I needed. I expected V and J to join me out side but didn't see them so I wandered back into the room