Horror - Page 2

Dahlia ran through the house screaming. Wearing a grey blouse and a matching grey miniskirt with a pair of white running shoes the blonde girl screamed in horror having just seen her boyfriend, Tim, stabbed repeatedly and torn to prices by undead monstrous clowns
“I asked for two pounds of ham and I want two pounds of ham!” the woman complained. “Not one point nine!” “Sorry, Ma'am.” I replied, putting another slice on the scale, my mind wandering again. Handing the woman her package, I glanced back over at the bakery counter
He flickered his eyes down to his wrist and sighed with impatience. His other hand had been drumming on the table for some time now, disturbing what water was left in his glass with his agitation. She was supposed to have been here twenty minutes ago
Coal blue eyes look out into the dreary night from the grated entrance. Small soot stained hands grip the grate waiting for the right moment. The blue eyes close for a long second, the grate is old the metal dark with stains of refuse
The world was drowned out by the sound of her own rapidly pounding heart, the fortitude of her long overused muscles steadily failing and surging with twinges of pain from each galloping stride
"You would be pretty if those teeth weren't so fucking huge." it was true. She had an okay face, big brown eyes with too much mascara. light brown skin, long mexican hair with those ugly fake streaks in them, pear shaped body with a little acne.
Auteurs note: I've done some editing fixing the "big wall of text" ================================================ Jake tried to sit up using his good arm, kind of struggling to do so. “Here let me help you” Marius reached out to him, but stopped as Jake flinched
Message from the Author: I have a few things to apologize for, first off. I can't seem to figure out how in the hell to indent my paragraphs, so until I can, I'll just have to deal with all the comments on the atrocity of my stories
WARNING: This story contains rape, torture, incest, and underage characters. Read at your own risk. Chapter 1: Berlin, Germany: The young man climbed up out of the bed, leaving the naked woman to silently cry
Emily wong switched on her flashlight. She couldn't believe she was here nor what she was looking at. She was just driving to her dig site when she spotted something black in the sands
-Bloodbath Case #2 Series- Part 1: Part 2:
Deep and lovely Dark - Chapter 2 Rachel and Vlad lay comfortably together with Rachel's head resting on Vlad's chest. Rachel had just agreed to giver herself to Vlad forever, physically and emotionally. There is one thing you should know about me" said Vlad
I had just turned 18. I was the youngest and the rest of my siblings had moved out. I was about to graduate high school. My dad was often gone on work trips and I was left home with mother. A loving and beautiful woman. Even after 6 kids her body was sexy
Chapter 3 and the conclusion of this terror awaits you
The Demon Child Bryan Cranberg didn’t feel my eyes as I watched them take him to the back room. He was a man of eccentric tastes, something I do appreciate, ravenously so