Job and Place-of-work - Page 12

To start off I need to tell you about myself I'm a 25 year old single white male. My name is Corey Standle I weigh in about 185 to 190lbs. I don't look every muscular but don't let looks fool you. I had very broad shoulders cause of my workout regimen that carried over from high school
Ring; Sarah hears something soft interrupt her sweet dream. Ring; there it is again, she opens her eyes slightly as she moves toward consciousness. Ring; she snaps awake and grabs the phone quickly before the machine can answer it
I'm a guy, tall, athletically build, and was in my mid-thirties at the time this took place. If you're looking for a story full of sex and such, don't bother reading further
This is our Calling All Writers Challenge Chapter 3 entry. Now, I’m the first one to admit that there are times when I get distracted, and there is just a chance I wasn’t walking close enough to the parked cars in the lot of the supermarket
Ms. Hernandez has to chaperone I was on my way back to the school campus when I received a text from my best friend, Nicole. The text read: "I brought a surprise for youxoxo" I wasn't sure what kind of surprise she had in store for me, but knowing Nicole, as I do
I entered the church building one hot summer evening around 5, I had received a call from the children’s minister her name was Amy. I thought it was odd because though I helped with the children I didn’t speak much to her. I had always been attracted to her
I last left you with Kim having made me cry. I had just spent the day with her after we skipped school. We had not been together for a while and I was looking forward to some fun with her. We did have a little bit of fun however; it was a day filled with her making smart remarks
My 18 Year Old Jessica - Part 2 My first encounter with Jessica left me wanting for more, a lot more. She wasn't perfect for every man, mind you, but she was one of those women that I can't explain. There was just excess chemistry flowing everywhere between us
Rich Kid Well, I've been born very lucky. I am now 14 and my father is the first ever trillionaire
My husband of 7 years went out of town with his guard unit for 2 weeks. I was home alone and getting horny about the second day he was gone. He was only an hour and a half away and called every night
Chapter 5 - Sealing the Deal An hour later I was in a large office building, sitting patiently in a waiting room. The six chairs in the room were all way more expensive than anything I ever had in my own home, and there was a small chandelier above me
NOTE: In order to aid in the visualization, check out pictures of Miranda in the "sex stories" forum, under the thread: "Miranda: Naughty Dental Assistant"
CHAPTER FOUR: THE OFFICE As I was printing and collating nine sets of forms, the office personnel filed along both sides of my workstation coming from their offices around me and the open work area in front. Bill Clancy came in the back entrance from his office in the plant
Chapter Two THE DATABASE Michael led Claire out of his office and down a corridor to a large open plan workspace. Here too the walls held posters of nude, collared, recently fucked girls. Some had been photographed in the act of sucking large anonymous cocks
Sheryl traveled for work a lot so the amount of time we spent together we wanted it to be memorable and always have good memories, sexual memories so that we could look back at them while we were away