Job and Place-of-work - Page 23

Heavy Matter Long considered a possibility by theoretical physicists, Heavy Matter was proven real when a meteorite only 3 feet in diameter came to earth in Canada’s remote Northwest Territory with an explosion that left a crater over a half mile wide
My Mistress’ House: Before the Party I have been working in this house as butler for almost a year now. There are 36 rooms in this house. Several bathrooms. Many sitting rooms. A large library. An art gallery, and a ball room. My mistress owns a beautiful house
It was a warm night and the event was a hit. She sipped her glass of champagne swearing it would be her last and her eyes searched the room for him. They had developed a synergy over the years and it took her a matter of seconds to spot him. Like clockwork his eyes met hers
The farmer’s wife eventually brought herself to her feet, the blacksmith’s cum still slowly oozing out of her pussy
I worked retail since I was sixteen and have dealt mostly with women trough out my jobs this particualr took place in an outlet store. I was the stockroom supervisor and I'd say I'm decent looking guy I"m 5'6" 120 Lbs
Last week our whole branch office was invited to a business party at the brand new munich branch of our company. We had an uneventful trip there, our train arriving at 4 pm. It was soon clear that most of us wanted to freshen up before the party
It was just after 5:30 on a Monday evening as Cedric walked through the halls of the empty school. The day wasn't very hectic or even tiring for that matter, but the joy of being free from his job was still satisfying. The hours had flown by..
How Did This Happen, The Best Job In The World by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing
Here is a little story I am writing for fun..all people and places are fictionalif you wish to comment, please do so She slammed the viberator into her cunt harder and harder as the voice on the other end of the phone kept telling her "Faster, Faster..
He had retired after many long years with a local company, though he was still quite young
In the months since my long sordid night with Craig and Daryl my affair with my dads friend Dave had become more intense. He had purposely put me in the position where I had been mistaken for a hooker, and he found the results of his plan deeply arousing
A Good Ride When you drive for a living, and away from your wife for weeks at a time, it can get very stressful
NOTE: In order to aid in the visualization, check out pictures of Miranda in the "sex stories" forum, under the thread "Miranda: The Price of Modeling". Trust me, it'll be worth it! Miranda is a beautiful young Vietnamese girl, just turned 17 years old
Maya was out shopping with some friends from work one day. At her favorite boutique, she had to endure the embarrassment of having all three of her credit cards declined
IHNC 6.5 Lisa’s Dilemma (Mf, teen, nc, preg, softcore) (This chapter is from the viewpoint of Lisa Cohan, a schoolmate of Becky’s who joined in her SATs tutoring her High School Math teacher was giving her.) OMG! I wish I could get out of here! No sooner did Mr