Masturbation - Page 75

--“Finally! So close to being with her!” She thought to herself and giggled somewhat naughtily
BETH Fiction by Zappa06415 Ah, just another typical morning on the north coast of Oregon. Pea-soup fog pouring in off the chilly ocean out over the point. It’ll be about 5 hours before the sun can burn this crap off and open this day up to bright sun and moderate temperatures
Anna let the hot water roll down her back as the steam floated from her skin. The curve of her lips were spotted with water as she leaned her head back so she could rinse her hair, her hands roughly running through her drenched locks
It was nearly dark on Friday evening when Don stepped out on the porch to greet his granddaughter, Shelly. His daughter, Shelly’s mom, had made arrangements for her to stay with her ‘Pops’ while she learned the ropes of her new job
Day 2 I quietly as possible got my ass out of bed and turned off the alarm. Robin barely stirred as I headed for the bathroom. In the few hours I had been asleep though the muscles I rarely used had tightened up. I was sore in areas I hadn’t been sore in for years
Blue Balls 8 - Tiffany Tattles (mf, Ff, incest, exhibitionist, young) Summary – Tiffany gets frustrated. Mom and Tiffany have a little ‘talk.’ Previous Story Summary – Tiffany decides she needs a boyfriend and makes friends with the janitor
My wife, Teresa and I are a middle to upper class white suburbian couple. We lived in a high class part of town and cohabitated in a luxury apartment. However we found ourselves in a very unfortunate situation
Lizzy awoke uncomfortably after what felt like a lifetime of sleep. The last thing she remembered was being in her car, on her way to her boyfriend's house. When she opened her eyes she saw a pitch black sky, surrounded by foggy trees and laggoons
I first noticed Jack in the locker room. He came in while I was getting into my gym clothes. I didn't really take particular notice, since I obviously see lots of guys in the locker room, and occasionally appreciate their good looks. Little did I know how much I would appreciate Jack's
"Come on boys let's take our seats and settle down," Jenna said to her class of twenty two boys, "we've got a lot of things to cover this afternoon, so let's get cracking
Tristen, My Daughter's Friend Jay was an average guy just hitting 40. He was married with 3 kids. Jay realized that the passion he felt for his wife was fading as she got older and her body was not the same as it used to be
I am a nudist. I have been attending nudist beaches for nearly 10 years and my first experience was with a guy on a sailing dinghy. He had deliberately overturned it so as we were both wet
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise
I was just waking up, after a long night of studying. I could hear my Mom, yell something down the stairs. I rolled out of bed. I barely got a pair of boxers on and a t-shirt before my Mom opened my bed room door. “Morning.” She said. I smiled
--Morgans Rape------ The day started like any other day until I saw her, Morgan, she was about 5' 6" and long dirt blonde hair and 36b breasts and a nice tight ass