Mature - Page 3

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Samantha's Night Out The excitement had been building for weeks. Samantha knew something was in the wind but she didn't know what. Nervously she dressed for an evening out
I'd just finished lunch the next day, and I got a call. It was Bill. "Hey Pete," he said, "I was thinking about you just now." "Like that?" "Yeah, actually. Hey you have some time? Wanna come over for some fun?" "Home alone, eh? Sure, give me half an hour
It had been an average week for me, school, homework and video games, but it was finally Friday and tonight I had to dog sit for one of my mom's friends. I was getting paid $30 just to hang out and take care of her new dog
Hi my name is Nick and I am 42 years old. I am married and have 2 kids. My eldest is Jake who is 14 and youngest is Tessa who is 12 years old. My wife is a Doctor and I am a Sales Rep. for a Tech. company. We live in a very friendly area and we only have side neighbours
Payment Right after I finished my sophomore year in high school, my best friend Chris and I were asked to baby sit at the house of a woman that my mother knew. I had never met her before, but when I arrived at the house I realized that she was pretty damn hot, especially for a mom
Blackmailing Jenny I am an average guy with a normal life and good family. I have 2 kids and a wonderful wife who is a nanny. I am a landscaper and the money is ok so my family is doing ok. I do not work for anyone but for myself
Part 2 Almost a year had gone by since the first time mom let me fuck her, I had graduated from a vocational high school and my part time job in a cabinet shop had turned into full time. The money was good, and the best part was I usually only had to put in a 5 day work week
I can remember the first thoughts of lust that I had about my granny. I was a day that I will never forget, I was sick one day when I was 18 and in my senior year of high school, My mother didn’t want me staying at home by myself with my temperature so high
As Sarah spread her legs, she pulled Gail’s face to her sopping cunt, pressing Gail’s tits against the toilet bowl. Sarah had never been this aroused, and this wet before having sex, and her heart was beating faster and faster
?CHAPTER THREE: PART TWO OUT OF TWO! ?? ? ?JAMIE VENN LOTT ?? ?I'm straight And for me to be horny for this "Veronica"..
As long as I can remember, my mother has come into my room every night . She lies next to me in the darkness, caressing my bare skin, lightly running her warm smooth hands across my back, placing delicate kisses on my head or chest
It was way back in the pre-digital age and I was an eighteen year old senior, a very horny eighteen year old senior at that. Fortunately I had a release. There was a girl at my high school that was at least as horny as I was
It was a hot Sunday when I first saw Mary, the type of Sunday made for sitting around with a cold drink watching television or reading a book
Fbailey story number 340 Little League Mom There she was in her usual seat just one to the right in front of me. Millie was the mother of a boy on my son’s team