Mind Control - Page 14
Melissa hurried down the street hunched against the rain. Her wispy blonde hair matted down to a dull brown in the downpour. The coat she held carelessly against the aggressive storm molded to her slight frame. Yet it wasn’t the weather she was trying to avoid. It was the stares
PART IV The door slammed against the wall and the two alphas entered. Nathan hadn’t heard the click of it being unlocked and it made him jump. Evidentially his captor was also taken by surprise as his body jolted. “Right slut, second go.” Said the bigger one
(Note: This is one of my earlier made stories, so it is both shorter and probably a little less quality, but I still put effort into it for a short story

Roman’s Girls By Sinistra Allison Allison gripped the steering wheel as she her way up the winding gravel path, flanked by two large hedgerows
Right from his birth the boy who would come to be known as Tutankhamun was given everything he desired. Which was unsurprising, given that he was the son of the Pharaoh Akhenaten
I was in heaven. Hadn't died, mind you. But this this was something else. I sat against the cold stone walls of the upstairs area of my high school's auditorium
Ronja woke from the sound of knocking on the door. Fumbling around she found her mobile phone to check the time. Like she had suspected it was very early in the morning. "Who is it?" she asked as she pulled her blanket around her
Succubus gets trapped 2 Zandriell could feel the human girl beginning to wake in her mind, it was like having someone stand very close to you but not touch

Eddie Haskell had gone over to his friends Ritchie Cunningham to play some basketball but when he found he wasnt there Rich's mom Marian had invited him for milk & cookies

Samantha by C.H. Davis Chapter 1 Samantha was in a hurry as always
Talent Scout Exploits Wannabe Star Nervously she fidgeted with her fingers. It was happening, it was finally happening. She studied the guy who sat across from her. He was rocking a perfectly groomed snowboarders goatee and wore a pinstriped suit

College Girl 2 Trisha “Trish” Coldman is a short wiry young woman. She likes to say she's athletic but she doesn't work out much and can't stand the sports scene. She likes it better in quiet settings and while she is active its better in the mountains or forest

The area of the city that I worked in was a fairly typical corporate hub. The building itself was another glass fronted office block in a forest of glass fronted office blocks. Anonymity through conformity. Inside it, on the many floors, I.T

I awoke the next morning in a daze and starving. 2:35pm, damn it was late. I wondered if I was able to roam the day, better yet stay out from dawn till dusk or if I'd char. As I walked downstairs I noticed a note that read. " Sam Lauren, Lexi and myself went shopping
The Way of the War pt 5 I really hate these last second changes I had boarded the plane thinking I was on the way to occupied France. Now I find my self floating beneath a black silk canopy preparing to land in Germany. It can't get much worse than that..