Mind Control - Page 27

Chapter 5: The Plan Revealed The next day, Harry went to classes as usual and took his seat between Ron and Hermoine
=====================================Introduction==================================== Hey everyone. Chapter three is here. I spent some extra time revising this one so I hope everyone likes it
Dan Everett is walking through the convention center of San Diego Comic Con. He is honestly more bored than he thought he would be. He couldn’t get into any movie previews because the line was long and couldn’t meet any celebrities either
Gia panted hard as he fled back along the tunnels, his well-toned body slick with the creatures luminescent green fluid. With his Magus sister taken by the thing, the bright sticky liquid coating him was his remaining source of light in this things lair
I'm 27 years old and had lead a straight life up until now. I'm considered good looking and have had great looking girlfriends throughout my life. My career, health and social life has all been very good. You could say I'm living the perfect life
Who Me.. a Wizard III The Queen In a gilded cage hanging from the ceiling of a large somewhat cavernous dungeon and suspended over a black abyss. Was a very dejected and angry lady The Queen
The Phone: chapter 01 Peter Davis was at the door of his own apartment searching for his keys once again. Even though the day was over and the week had only begun, he already felt tired. "Here they are ! " He found his key, opened the door and finally crashed on his couch
Judging from the story tags, you might think this is a very dark tale. It is, but there is a happy ending. Enjoy. ********** “Igor, you worthless scum! Get up here!” the speaker in my cell ceiling squawked. I hurried up the long stone stairwell to his laboratory
Watching Darcy Die written by Jimmmy D. "Just me and God, watching Darcy die." A high school filled with students. It's in between classes and everyone is going to their lockers. There's a cute, slightly chubby, girl with glasses digging into her locker
The plot thickens.. I know what we agreed to. Then why do you insist on spoiling our chances. You know why we first started this. Yes, we are both attracted to the same thing. When I first met you were only 11. Don’t remind me, you raped me
Ben appeared in a special room that had been prepared ten years ago for Jonathan, sighing Ben thought all this time, this would have been over a decade ago if Jonathan wasn't as stubborn as Ben's brother had been
Bedroom Pet (Part 2) Written by Cerberus Edited by Droid447 and Silverman. Chapter 1 Monica sat in her office staring at her computer. Any one looking at her would think she was hard at work….but that was the furthest thing from the truth
A student in the last year of college gets his hands on a virus that, when sent through a simple text, will issue an irresistible command
“Expelliarmus!” Delphi played it safe. made it look liked she tried to block, just a second too slow. As the wand disappeared from her hand, she smiled. “Now you’re getting it. You’re really good at this.” The truth was, he wasn’t very good. At all
Chapter 3 Here's the kicker. That day at school, when I masturbated, I pretended the set of events was my fault. I went so far as to call my cock the 'Horn Key'. All I had to do was point my cock at a woman and she would beg me for sex. The trouble was, none of them had