Mind Control - Page 32

Awakenings 9 ------------------- The Captain read the reports with tight lips. He had counted at least 30 bodies or what was left of them
THE THING:::: CHAPTER 2 The Professor keeps a diary of it. Noting it’s habits, it’s needs, it’s growth, etc

When Alex's mother moved into town she quickly became well-liked. It was because of her spirit and everywhere she went people adored her. At that time Alex wasn't registered in high school. It was his first time being in another state so he didn't know anything or anyone
Bimbo Potion: Revenge by Fidget Chapter 4 "Ames!" Val shouted, running over and throwing her arms around Amy in a crushing hug

, beauty, and sexuality Artemis - Daughter of Zeus and Leto, goddess of the hunt, the moon, and chastity Athena - Daughter of Zeus and Metis, goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law, and justice, strategic warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill

A Good Man 8 --------------------- The Queen was nervous, it had only been a few days since mage Tom had done any healing to her daughter

Herd By Droid447 The first contact with life from another planet was almost catastrophic, nearly turning humanity into a slave race. But salvation came from the sky as well, a different species with very different cultures. They offered help if we helped them in return. We accepted
Ring of Desire Chapter 3 “Daniel Panks, where have you been! Lessons started 10 minutes ago!” When I entered the classroom, 19 heads turned towards the door and looked at me. In front of the blackboard, the teacher stared at me angrily. “I'm sorry, Mrs. North
The next day I slept ‘till around 11 o’clock. Using all of these mental powers can really take a lot of energy. Once I woke up, I went downstairs to make me a sandwich and watch some T.V. Jo had to go to practice and mom went to work, So I had the house to myself
The following morning I was up early. I hadn’t slept well. I had had the weirdest dreams all night. I started making breakfast and all I could think of is doing my favourite dog food. Oh my god how long does this conditioning last. I went to the lab to check the reading from yesterday

He’s furious to find his wife fucking a total stranger in their house—but then she changes his mind about it. Literally. ******** I came home after work to find them fucking on the living room floor. My wife and some guy I didn’t know. He was on top
The F.E.T.I.S.H

Denise was on her knees in her living room dressed in black thong panties & see thru bra with short heeled slippers giving her Master Rocky head Rocky was watching the four ladies on the other sofa
THE MOON STONE By Hardrive It was bitter cold and the fridge air hurt Danielle’s lungs. Every breath felt like razors ripping open her chest, but, in spite of the pain… she was forced to… take in large gulps of air… to satisfy her desperate need for oxygen
Dan Everett is walking through the convention center of San Diego Comic Con. He is honestly more bored than he thought he would be. He couldn’t get into any movie previews because the line was long and couldn’t meet any celebrities either