Mind Control - Page 58
Note: ——I am NOT the author! There are several authors actually, I’m not so certain that any one of them is the creator, but I know it’s not me. I am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on here
So I like football. I like seeing a bunch of guys ramming into each other at full force. I suppose I just like violence. My dad thinks that's worrisome, says someone at my age shouldn't be that into physical pain. I don't know what his problem is

I think the reason he likes me high is how easily it puts me in sub space. For those of you who are so sadly unaware, sub space is the glorious space in which a submissive can get, where nothing but the pleasure of their master matters

Darkness Falls Creatures of the night are pursuing me in utter darkness. Running through the shadows, tripping, stumbling as I go. Wolves howling and dogs growling, snarling, as well as barking as they close in upon me. An owl hoots as I run past it
oty calls an old friends i lived in a very beautiful city beautiful views and women day n night parting city i loved to hang out with my friends n family but i enjoyed spending time with my beautiful prima noemi i know where family but dont get me wrong sometimes i wish we wernt related

Editing Reality Book One: Naughty Fantasies Created Chapter Ten: Oral Delights By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. James Davies I was so glad that Ruri wanted to lose her virginity. I had been patient with her

This story was inspired by many things, including some of my favorite songs and books. I hope you all enjoy it and let me know if there is anything I should fix or work on. Thanks :) My name is Rebecca James I am 435 years old and I am a second class Vampire
XX Things settled out over the next week or so. Concrete was poured, electricity was brought into a panel and distributed through the dungeon, duct work went in carrying away stale air and bringing in fresh

"So do you think uncle Harry hid money or valuables around his house?" I ask my mom as we're driving down the interstate. "What makes you think that?" She asks, surprised at my question. "Well, he was pretty eccentric, you have to admit
Just a note about last chapter: ChiChi Jima was bombed many times during world war II but was never taken from the Japanese. One of the reasons there was no ground assault was no area for a landing field
Varick could only stare at Alan in shock there had been no sensation at all one moment he was watching with Harman and the next he was next to Angelika
Searching the internet one day I was on a site that I frequently visit to scour 2nd hand items for my resale shop and became curious about the relationship area. To my amazement, this area was a rude awakening to my all but virgin-esq ways
First Encounter of the Furry Kind Chapter 3 The shifting of the bed and the rustle of sheets brought Anthony to full wakefulness instantly. Sasha was moving quietly peering at the floor in the pre-dawn gloom
---(Five)--- When Keria Shadoweye woke, it was evening. The last of the day's light was filtering through the dark blue curtains, casting a murky glow over the room. They must have been asleep for a very long time, she thought

Joe Jones laid back, happy. The past few weeks had been the happiest of his entire life. His little brother had told him he was God, and he’d used his powers to turn his wife Jenny into an 18-year-old sexpot, who could barely keep herself away from his cock