Mind Control - Page 62

PLEASE NOTE: This is a complete work of fiction. The author does not take responsibility for any similarities in reality relating to this story at all. Onyx Blessing Chapter 1 I was walking about downtown one day when I came across this odd store

UrnJohn woke up to start the day and get another day over with. As he got out of bed an was getting dressed he put on his usual basketball shorts and tshirt. He went down to the kitchen an ate his breakfast just as he finished he saw his sister come down the stairs
Ada’s Tattoo part 4. Ada sat and soaked in the hotel room bath with Frank sitting on the closed toilet seat next to her. He had filled her pleasantly humming pussy prodigiously and now he followed her around the room like a puppy, shamelessly naked and sipping bourbon

Note: —I am NOT the author! There are several authors actually, I’m not so certain that any one of them is the creator, but I know it’s not me. I am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on here
Prelude: So pure, so… Innocent… Kari shivered as she run her hands along her wet clothes. She was waiting for the bus in the hard rain that had caught her off guard. She was just returning home from after having gone to see movies for the first time all alone

The Redhead From Woolworth The Year was 2001, I had Graduated High School had a Great summer and it was fall, In fact just two days away was Halloween. My friends and I were getting ready for the holiday getting all of our best pranks out

The landscape was washed white from the soft glow of the full moon as his lithe body moved through the forest in frenzy following a faint trickle of blood that stained the ground, outlining the trail of his prey

Ronja frowned as she tried to concentrate on her math book. It did not work well, her nervousness about the upcoming exam kept intruding on her study focus
Chapter 8, In which I share too much information It had been another long trip, but I'd finished up in time to catch the early afternoon flight

Milo was both gifted and cursed from birth, mostly because he had been born with an ability that, depending on the situation, was one or the other. The young man had a power, for some reason, at random times, beautiful women would simply be drawn to him
Angelika - Like an angel Truda - Fighting woman Varick - Protecting Ruler Harman - Man of the army Finally able to get out of bed Alan started to push everyone harder
Clara picked a book up off the ground where someone had apparently tossed it. How could some people be so lazy as to not even put it back on the shelf? She sighed and put it back where it belonged

Way Too Sticky: Special Note: My slugs are not real slugs and do not follow regular slug-like rules. I thought that'd be apparent when they up and decided to fuck some bitches, but just putting it out there clearly: This story is totally fiction
Anna’s childhood wasn’t the best, she was an only child and her dad left her mom before she could remember him. They got a new house far away and soon her mom met some guy from work and started going out with him. Before she new it she had a stepbrother

Sunday Jack awoke in his bed early Sunday morning. "What the fuck", he said as he sat up and looked around. He could have sworn he fell asleep in Emily's bed. But he just shook it off and got up