Non-Erotic - Page 9
There is a common saying which most people nowadays have heard once or twice, “It’s quiet. Too quiet.” Without a doubt, today painted the portrait that captivated the saying in all aspects
WARNING! NO SEX IN THIS CHAPTER! This is the conclusion of the main story line for the House Girl Series and contains no sex at all. Sorry. I am writing the House Girl Epilogue right now and it will contain as much erotic content as my imagination can create
Ryan and Morgan Introduction: I was at a friend’s house and had this fantasy. The girl is like a sister to me, but that plays no part in this story. I also have to type this with one hand, because I recently broke my right. Anyways, enjoy. I’m Ryan

Ok everyone here is the first chapter again my wife is helping me edit this and she brought up some questions about stuff i fave written later on so i had to revise i a little i will also be posting the next part

It was Wednesday when I saw Nate again. He looked like he was in a good mood. I debated talking to him, but I decided against it. I didn't want his friends to ask questions. I went about my business at my locker. I was about ready to head to class wen Nate approached me
The world was swimming around me. The force of the blast had blurred my vision and I could hear bells ringing. As I climbed out of the wrecked humvee, all I could see was smoke and dust
I returned to the cabin to help Laura clean up the mess that Bear had made in the living room. I stoked up the fire and started burning the plastic bags, the towels that we used to clean the floor. Both of us worked feverishly to get the mess completely cleaned up as well as possible
Juliane sat on her couch and flipped through the magazine for home living, searching for new homes open for bidding, and land plots, scattered through the forests. She twirled her brunette hair around one of her fingers, and looked up at the clock
The Chair By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2018 As I woke this morning, I was hoping things in my life had changed. I turned my head, wiping the sand from my eyes. I begin to stretch. I pull myself up in my bed. I look to my left and there it is, my wheelchair. My prison
My world was slowly coming apart, and I was not even aware of it
Chapter 4 It was quiet while some mutants had lots of camera angles show different views of where cities used to be and some even followed survivors as they make the journey from there blown out settlement to the capital city of district
ce Jack had the visit from his old friend and as they were more than a few light years away from earth, they had a few more visits just to say goodbye to friends and family, as they would be gone for awhile after that they were left completely alone, but life on the massive ship carried on as normal
It was just after the first of the year and I was sixteen. Like always I was exploring old warehouses. I did not want to go home yet, my dad was a mean drunk and my mom… well my mom was a hooker. School had gotten out a while ago and I was watching a storm that was in the distance
s of her trapped brethren as they burned in the wreckage of the facility the specialist forces had just laid waste to, filled her head and for a moment she was walking that devastating scene again seeing, again, that soft hearted soldier who had picked her up and carried her into the trucks with him
To my dear friend: Thank you so much for all these years you have written to me. I’m hoping that this finds you well, and that you are happy. I also hope we can meet someday soon. You’ve always wondered why I’m here, and I have been sort of reticent about telling you