Older Female and Males - Page 10

Author’s note: If you aren’t a fan of stories where a majority of the characters have little to no morals, please don’t read this. You’ve been warned. Move along if this concept doesn’t intrigue you. There are some evil and screwed up people in this story

interpretable first cousin’s… Intro (Arrival) -- Matt took a step outside to the arrivals area of Hartsfield Jackson International Airport, being welcomed to Atlanta by the dry hot air, and honking horns, of the commonly congested roads of Hartsfield Jackson International Airport
Where to start? Well, it was winter and like every winter I would head up North to go skiing. There were a few different families that we knew, we all had ski houses and we would all ski together

Kyle's eyes began to open as he rolled onto his back. He looked around the room, not quite knowing where he was. However, the memories of the previous night soon came flooding back to him which sent adrenaline coursing through his veins and jolted him awake
Lonely Julie Chapter 3 Sally and 11 year old Timmy were on the beach past near the flat of Timmys School matron Julie. Timmy was staying with Julie for the summer while his parents and her husband were abroad

In 1985 we moved to Charlotte from Raleigh when I took a new job at a civil engineering firm. Connie had been an office manager at an insurance company before we moved, but decided to take the summer off before looking for employment again
She Loved this! This is a true story and I have been wondering how I would go about writing it. You see my wife is 5’2”, petite, small breasts with nipples that are incredibly sensitive and she is in great shape

This is a rewritten version of the Angel Babysitter 1, which will soon be deleted. ------ Shifting his position on the couch, Shane re-adjusted his laptop on his legs. Laying his head back on the arm of the couch, Shane sighed happily
I have always considered myself a little bit strange. Strange, by the means that I, ever since I was about 11, have been attracted to pregnant women

ales 3 Sylvia was upset after John told her that everyone knows that she is an easy fuck, even though she knew it was true, she did not want her reputation to be too well known, so after her afternoon rendezvous with John, she kept mostly to herself, hoping that people would forget what they knew
….It’s not easy having a lot of handsome guys in their late teen around you all day. Touch one and get fired, that was the hard rule. I dressed down as per school policy. No make up, plain clothes and strictly teaching and nothing else

New job, new start; not for Fiona 2 : More from Fiona's journal: “I left for work on Monday morning feeling very nervous because I knew that on Monday mornings was the hour long business meeting
Wendy's World - 2 Fantasy or Real :) Chapter One I'm at the skate park surrounded by the group of guys. We were down in the pit of the park and couldn't been seen by passers by. There are six or seven I'm not sure. They are all naked and leering at me
I was 14 at the time that my Dad called me over to him and said ”John, your Mum has asked me to ask you not to masturbate onto the side of your bed sheet. It is rather hard to wash out after it has dried so much.” I was somewhat red faced but I said “Ok Dad
Author's note: This is my first story, written in March of 2014. It's nine chapters. Sex doesn't happen until chapter six. Chapter 1 This was it. No more hiding, no more running. The end for him he thought as the plane landed