Rape - Page 10

Amanda Wilcox James approached the party house as he straightened the collar to his button up shirt. He headed inside and began to scan the crowded room for his friend Andrew
Laura skimmed her fingers over the tall grass. Her long and brazened hair drifted lightly with the wind. The swords at the back of her waist sharp and sporting jagged edges. Two long boots colored orange and red with long elvish decal on them which was in red

DISCLAIMER #1: All sexual acts in this story occur between adults over the age of 18. I DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, black mail, and voyeurism. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not read

When Brad and Karen got back from the emergency room, they were met at the front door of the fraternity house by Mountain. “How's little Anna?” Mountain rumbled. “She'll be OK. She's stable

This story has strong language, and if you have a good imagination strong mental images. This is a rape a very violent one. I got really wet while writing. I hope you enjoy reading it just as much as I enjoy writing

Chapter 1 Roland looked up from his book to his phone buzzing on his desk. He was one of the only 22 year olds he knew that refrained from the technological age. Granted, he had some games on his mobile device, but they were simple affairs that he didn’t spend much time on

ns pt 1 Sarah led the perfect life smart, good looking, and pretty much perfect, From the age of 9 or 10 it was clear she was going to be gifted, When she turned 16 her mother entered her into modelling contests and she was excelling straight away, At school she was one of the smartest attending

The prerogative of backpackers is the freedom to roam. Unlike the normal tourist the backpacker independent and usually young and exuberant lives on their wits

First story I ever wrote, no idea if it is good or not but I was finally bored enough to post something so feel free to give me any comments, thanks. It had been about a week now since Nim had arrived at the Lunarfall Garrison in Shadowmoon Valley

PLEASE READ EPISODE 1 FOR THIS TO MAKE ANY SENSE ;P Meanwhile, Rashmi was whimpering and pleading to Rashid, but her voice had now lost all strength
This is a continuation of the "Playing Dare with Sis" and "Training my Sister Kayleigh" Stories. While I suppose this story can be a stand alone, character development as well as certain terminology will definitely be better understood if the previous series are read first
He bolted upright, heart pounding. Not sure what woke him up, but he knew he was very wake and that it was very dark, and very quiet around the house. It excited him. His breath shuddering with excitement, he started to make his way off the sofa and up the stairs toward the bedrooms
Heather woke up and almost forgetting where she was until she smelled the burned out candles and felt her hands wrapped in soft threads of rope tied to the bed. She looked around now that a small light of a half opened window lit through its holey curtain

I was groggy and tired, my eyes were finding it really hard to focus and my body felt kind of numb. I scanned the room through half opened eyes trying to see if I could register anything, but nothing,I hadn't a clue where I was or who's bed I was in or why I was even in bed

Note: Yes. I am back, and with new chapters. I would like to apologize to all my fans for my absence. Please, tell me which characters you are routing for, what you think will happen next, and any suggestions for future chapters. Please, please, comment and vote