Romance - Page 6

She waited anxiously for his release. Two months of expensive, brief calls and visits led up to this. As she sat in the lobby she thought of his gorgeous brown eyes and his warm smile. She gleamed in anticipation
FACEBOOK NOTE Monday, September 7 2015 5.13 AM Pacific Time Attraction has got laws too—like a ‘bitch’ dog wants certain principles followed before she goes on hit and starts having intercourse anyhow

Chapter Two I had returned home from the cove after watching Amber join Jackie and their friends below. I wasn’t interested in gazing at the girls down on the rock ledge any more that day. I had plenty of images in my head already that I needed to sort out
My story beings at agerbiton Which is basically a huge cattle sale, So I'm in the barns walking up and down the aisles looking at all the amazing shorthorns that are offered to the sale when I see one the really catches my eye
Milk the Cow. get the cream A lazy summer afternoon. I lived on the edge of town near the railway tracks. If you crossed the tracks you were in the countryside. I used to visit a farm and play in a barn there

Joe finished the latest chapter and passed it on to me. As some of the earlier ones no longer appear at this site, let me recap what’s happened so far. It was a story of love and baseball (and the Steelers)
?CHAPTER THREE: PART TWO OUT OF TWO! ?? ? ?JAMIE VENN LOTT ?? ?I'm straight And for me to be horny for this "Veronica"..
He was all alone in a world not like their own. He watched as the other world was filled with light, color and happiness. But mostly he liked to watch that one girl, who had fire for hair and was kind to all. Her eyes were the color of the purest Amethyst, and soft pink lips
Well we finally set the tree up after several moves to where Lee was comfortable.She did also have a sadness spell when putting some of the ornaments on. It seems that Lee’s daughter was killed just 5 years ago on her way home for Christmas

Boy meets girl, Girl meets boy Its been almost 2 weeks since me and my mom moved into our new house. Things have been going pretty well so far, I can't really complain. I met some new people in the area that seem pretty cool,but only one in specific caught my attention
His hand eased onto my leg just above the knee and slid slowly up the fishnet patterning of my stockings, onto the darker top, gently dragging the hem of my dress up, and a tingle of excitement surged through me as it settled onto the bare thigh above

Doomsday ch2 We had just gotten the new girl (Sherri) calmed down enough to tell us what had happened to her

The ratings were pretty good and your comments were nice so here is the second chapter as promised. Please Please Please rate even if you hate it, and if you give me a negitive rating please let me know why in the comment section so I can make it better
She moved into his arms and hugged him, and he held her close. "We only have a few hours," she whispered. "and we won't be together again for a while. I want to give you something to remember. A special treat." "Like I was going to forget?" he asked. She smiled

Chapter 9 Christmas It was always just the four of us for Christmas. For Thanksgiving we spent one day with as much family as we could cram into one room, but our parents always liked to spend this time with just us