School - Page 15

I looked up from slicing my steak when I heard a clatter across from me. A girl was picking up her fork from the ground while her mom scolded her for being noisy. She looked over at me feeling my stare, she was beautiful, her blue eye, stood out with her hair falling loosely
Raising Her GPA I loosened my paisley tie with my right hand as I brought the three finger glass of Jameson up to my lips with my left. It was ten after five and I sat back into the chair to relax as best I could
Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter Twelve – The Feast Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author
Mr. Ayden was a 34 year old teacher at Hilston High school. Some of the girls there thought he was really sexy, and usually by the end of the period they had wet panties and sultry fantasies about him. There were about a handful of girls who showed how much they fantasied about him
Erica was sitting at one of the rubber tables outside the main doors of the high school. Her two girlfriends were sitting there with her
I was studying Psychology in college and one of my classes was a course in the power of suggestion. As I read through the text and wrote my weekly papers I got interested in Hypnotism
Thinking back on my days at MSU . . . I lived in an off-campus group house with my 18-year-old girlfriend Mollie and a bunch of other kids. We were into politics, though we weren't as earnest as some of the more active types
First Blowjob with a dude. Alright, so it was 2013, me and my best friend spent the evening finishing a bottle of ABSOLUT together, and watching the Finals of the Champions League final. My team is Bayern, so I was quite happy
It’s a weird feeling to sit in an empty classroom, especially a history class. I looked around at all the walls, the World War Two propaganda posters that the teacher had tacked up everywhere. They creeped me out. But I guess it is my own fault that I’m there. Mr
I’ve never considered myself naughty, but nonetheless I guess that’s what I have become in my sophomore year. But before I begin my story, let me introduce myself – my name is Michelle and I am 15 years old
Nothing feels worse than waking up after crying yourself to sleep. I’d feel humiliated but after everything that happened yesterday, maybe you can forgive me. I pulled myself out of sleep, my eyes crusted with dried tears and with a heavy weight in my heart
It was a warm summers morning the day that I decided not to go into work. The job was crap and I just could not be bothered to waste a Friday sitting staring at the same old walls
My name is Kelly and im a 17 year old girl who still attends high school. I have always been an above average student, doing enough studying and not in with the most popular crowd
I love children. I always have, I always will. I've been a child lover since I was fifteen. I love kids of all ages and both genders. You see, as an adolescent, no one suspects you of being like that. Especially if you go to church. I was able to work many child based church events
So, I’m one of the ‘mean girls.’ I don’t deserve this, my mom is on the way and she’s going to be really pissed. I know my phone will be taken away and I won’t get to drive the car anymore either. It’s all my friend, Jessica’s, fault too