Pledging Gamo Doulos sorority, Chapter 3

Sara was having a really good wet dream, pledge 1572 was back visiting the men's soccer team back in the change room and she had asked them to fuck all her holes to thank them for being such gentle men (if not quite gentlemen). She had a huge cock in her mouth, fingers tweaking her nipples, and one guy's cock vibrating in her pussy underneath her, and another guy's cock from behind vibrating in her ass. She was vaguely confused about why their cocks were vibrating but it didn't matter she was going to get to orgasm big and give these sexy men what she only teased them with before.
Suddenly electricity shocked through her pussy and ass waking her up, banging her head against the wire cage, her fingers flew from her nipples to her crotch as she screamed into her silicone cock gag, the pain waking her up and stopping her from getting to her orgasm. The vibrating dildo and butt plug ramped down in intensity, keeping her near orgasm the orgasm she was now desperately wanting but not near enough to cum.
She heard Desiree in the speakers of her (now fully charged secretly high-tech) luchador mask "Good morning mistress, Remember to keep you slave off-balance, start yelling at her to get cleaned up, and rub it in her face what a slut she is"
As she was trained to last night she subvocalized around the silicone cock gag in her mouth and heard her own voice in her luchador mask's headphones "Get up slut, we can't wait around to let you have your next orgasm, you'd only want another anyways, we'd be here all day!" Falling into her conditioning from last night and believing that she was in a VR sim that was for simulating training sex slaves and that she was the sex toy "avatar" that she was training. She walked into the other room and saw a sign marked "enema station" right above a "squat toilet" sign on the floor.
"Ok slut, first you need to empty yourself before we clean that dirty ass!" she subvocalized to herself "Don't you see that squat toilet over there? Obviously, that's where you are supposed to go. Now! Run!" as she frantically headed over there. "And get your butt plug and dildo out you confused slut, how are you going to pee and poo with those up there? " she berated herself as the subvocalized words came over her luchador mask's headphones, and yanked at both forcefully pulling them from her ass and pussy.
"You can keep your hand on your clit and rub it like the slut girl you are now, good sluts like you can multitask while they void themselves!" she heard her tell herself as she rubbed at her pussy, and compulsively sucked the silicone cock gag. As she finger banged her pussy, the urine sprayed and splashed everywhere around her, and loud farts and poop that had built up behind the butt plug fired like missiles into the squat toilet. "Don't orgasm you stupid disgusting slut, we don't have time for you to flounder on the dirty floor" she yelled at herself in her head as she did just that, orgasming as she finished voiding herself now kneeling on the floor as she had lost footing from her squat during her orgasm, her face in her urine.
"Fine, but you better stay horny or the next part isn't going to be as fun; you are going to learn how to do an enema so your ass will be squeaky clean for all those guys that you want to use you like the fuck slave you are. A clean slut starts with a clean ass as your mistress always says." Her dirty commands to her "avatar" turning her on, she had successfully learned how to keep herself going, and it was now a compulsion to keep herself horny with degrading talk to herself.
"There it is on the wall, it's labeled enema station you horny slut, you see that faucet, that must be how it turns on; now stuff that metal bulb hanging from the shower hose in your ass and turn it on." Egging herself on as a voice in her "avatar's" ears as she frantically rushed over to it. She started to put it in dry but started yelling in her head "Get it wet first you stupid slut, use your sopping cunt for something good!" as she shoved it in her cunt.
"Don't just keep fucking yourself with it slut, it's for your ass!" she degraded herself subvocally around the cock-shaped gag as she yanked it out and slammed the large metal bulb into her stretched ass, gasping as the metal bulb blooped into her asshole. She quickly turned on the faucet at the enema station, finger banging her cunt madly to distract herself from the gurgling in her stomach. "That's it, you're learning slut, now get on your knees with your ass in the air and let yourself fill up. Your gonna regret orgasming on the toilet if you don't get that cunt hot again, this is going to get uncomfortable real quick. And you better learn how to do this right because it's going to be your morning routine from now on." She heard herself say in her ears as she sucked on the cock gag (wishing it was that one bolder soccer player), and she lowered her face, shoulders, and boobs to the pee covered tile floor so she could use one hand to molest her nipples while the other hand was finding out just how many fingers she could get in her cunt.
Soon she was looking pregnant with how distended her belly was, as she obscenely crammed her whole hand in her pussy she started orgasming. The bulb burst from her ass and the enema water rocked out, as it was fountaining out she tried to squat back on the hole in the floor toilet, her hand fisting rapidly in her cunt. "You stupid messy slut, your orgasms are worth any mess you make, aren't they slut?" She told herself "Stay there and get it all out and get yourself horny again. You are going to do it again without making a mess."
She went through the ordeal again, it was way worse this time because she had orgasmed twice so close together and was still recovering, she didn't have her hornyness and desperation for an orgasm to protect herself as much. But she knew her pledge 1572 could handle it, 1572 maybe whimpering but Mistress Sara had to feel it too, and it wasn't like she was crying, just that selfish fuck hungry slut. Sara's personality starting to fracture, not realizing she was doing it to herself and not some VR "avatar" 1572. Not realizing Desiree had not suggested hardly anything she was doing to herself, she had just mentioned the presence of the enema station; forcing herself to do the enema was just her own dirty mind driving her to new depths of depravity.
"Glad I didn't have you shower first you disgusting slut; now let's get the area at least rinsed off before I let you you clean yourself." She told her slut "avatar". She rinsed off the area using water from the enema station sprinkling from the metal bulb on the long shower hose.
As she walked over to the showers Desiree chimed in "Very Good!, now it important to let a slave have some personal time to recover, some time to think about what a slut she is. There is a key on the table there, a small tub to clean the luchador mask in and luchador mask powder to coat it with after she dries it with the towel. Instruct her to take the mask off, clean and powder it, and that she can take time to get it and herself clean before putting it back on. It will give her time with her thoughts without getting her any orders. Watch with satisfaction that she'll just put that mask on without you even telling her too, when a slave does this you know she is yours."
Sara's mind was truly becoming fucked, she was seeing herself totally in the third person as something to degrade for her sick entertainment, splitting herself into a silent "Mistress Sara voice" personality constantly yelling in her head and encouraging her to degrade and punish herself, with a "pledge 1572" personality that drove the body and her out-loud voice, a "pledge 1572" that only thought of degrading itself for orgasms, desperately needing to keep itself horny, and keep the mistress voice happy. As the "mistress" she also did not need any compassion for her slave as the "pledge 1572" was just a "computer avatar" she controlled (as far as she believed). The "Mistress" could be as cruel as she wanted without an ounce of guilt, if the "Mistress" could take the pain 1572 felt, then 1572 could cry and beg as much as it wanted without the "Mistress" feeling an ounce of mercy. And weirdly seeing her own pain in the third person and as only simulated was turning out to be an effective technique in pain management for the "Mistress" personality at least.
She took off and cleaned her red and black mask as she had instructed herself to, and she silently watched her pale white slave clean itself in the shower room mirrors, smirking inwardly at the control she had over 1572. Unknown to her the luchador mask powder she put in her now clean mask was a mix of aphrodisiacs, MDMA, and drugs that will make her highly suggestible when it got wet.
She cleaned and pampered herself, soaping up and washing off all of her filth that coated her. As she rinsed she couldn't keep her fingers out of her slave cunt. She decided the mistress would be angry if she came, and decided to dry off instead. A mirror in the wall opened upwards revealing a healthy breakfast with lots of cut fruit, a couple of strips of bacon, a smoothy, and a tall glass of water. Slave used one hand to finger herself while she fed herself. Her food gone she looked around for something else to open, she was in a closed room with nothing more to do here, but she knew what was expected for her to do next.
1572 put on and locked the red and black mask on her head again. Sara thought to herself "it's just like Desiree said, the slutty slave put on and locked the mask on her head after being free of it, without even being ordered too. The slave was even compulsively playing with her cunt to keep herself horny this whole time. She is mine, and God I'm going to have fun with her!"
A part of the mirrored wall proved to be a door and opened up; revealing a table at a start of a long hallway leading to pitch darkness, on the table, a long nozzle attached to a bulb had a folded paper sign in front of it saying "anal lube" was beside a dido familiar to her with the with 4 large silicone spheres towering above a suction base. Her voice rang in her head "Don't just look at it, put the lube in, a slut needs to always be ready for an ass fucking if she is going to get the anal fucking she so desperately wants!" as she shoved it in her ass and squirted the bulb a thick but viscous goo filled the upper portion of her colon deep inside her. Good thing she had cleaned herself out because besides being great anal lube it was a dosed with amyl nitrate, the chemical referred to as "poppers" by the gay community, and has a relaxation effect on involuntary smooth muscles, such as those in the throat and anus.
"You also know where your old friend goes, and it's not in your hands", said her voice in her head. "Yes mistress, this slaves cunt needs to be filled", she replied out loud. She looked at the bottom for the lense to press and turn on the blacklight that was there in the dildo that led her here, but there was no lens this time, "You're not going to get no glow in the dark clues like before slut, your cunt is your guide now, she will lead you to those orgasms you can't stop craving."
And worked to shove the large black silicone dildo of 4 large spheres into her cunt. She laid down on her back on the floor struggling with both hands to get it in; the large top sphere veined with a dark circuitry outline was starting to inch in. "Hurry up slut, you have a maze to run, just squat on it like last time! You'll probably even get another one of those orgasms you can't stop wanting" said her voice in her ears. She suctioned the dido to the linoleum floor and was soon slamming herself up and down on it trying to get it in past each sphere in turn. Her breasts making meaty slaps against her ribs.
Soon she was having a huge G-spot orgasm and gushing all over the place, and she brutally slammed herself down to get it in past the last two spheres while she was orgasming. Again she fell face-first into the puddle of her own making "That's right slut, you like slurping up your juice!" her voice said laughing at her in her head. "Thank you, Mistress, this slut thanks you for letting her drink it", she said out loud, and she pursed her lips and sucked up as much as she could. Her sweat had activated the luchador mask powder, and she associated the sluttiness of her abusing her cunt and the drinking her pussy juice with the body high she was feeling and the rush of arousal.
She waddled through this new dark maze blind except with her cunt vibrating more when she was making a correct turn and zapping her when she turned wrong. Eventually, the vibrations got too much and she had a G-Spot orgasm and collapsed to the floor, this time she held the large dildo in with her free hands so it didn't slip out like the first time through the maze. She even lapped up her girl juice without even commanding herself, her "avatar" 1572 was becoming a true desperate sex slave Sara proudly thought.
With one hand out in front to feel for obstacles, and one hand on the dildo she continued forward. She couldn't resist thrusting the dildo in and out as she walked, it just felt so good, even if she bumped into a few more falls in the dark her cunt was all that mattered, its pleasure is all she needed to guide her.
Desiree cooed "You're doing so well with that slave, soon you're slave will be joining with the other slaves, and you will be hearing the other mistresses order them and possibly even your slave. Bond with those mistresses and help train their pledge slaves to be their true depraved sluts, they are your sorority sisters."
Soon 1572 was nearing orgasm again when 1572 turned a corner and entered another mirrored and lightly lit room. There were two other women in different luchador masks furiously pumping large dildos just like her slave's dildo in and out of their pussies.
"Just don't stand there staring and fucking your cunt slut. Introduce yourself, and me properly!" Sara told 1572 in her head. "Hi, this slut is pledge 1572, My mistress's name is Sara." 1572 heard a different but commanding voice in her head "Dumb Slut answer your new friend", followed by a similar voice that was timid and unsure "Hello, this cum dumpster is pledge 1575, And I am commanded by Mistress Rebecca" came from the taller tan-skinned, slim and toned slave in the yellow and green mask. Followed by a voluptuous and bouncy freckled slave "This cunt is pledge 1573, my mistress is mistress Annabelle."
Soon others came in fucking their cunts compulsively and introduced themselves too. In wandered a short pale, slim, and tiny busted slave with long black hair flowing from under her red and purple mask "Um, Hello this hentai slut is pledge 1574, and my mistress is Ruma." Finally a long moment later "This pain monkey is pledge 1577, and I obey Mistress Tanya" came from the one in the blue and yellow mask that was shorter, rounder in all the right places, and had dark coffee skin.
All the slave's vibrators stopped, and started doing the ascending beep that bombs do in movies, before shocking them and causing them to squeal and twitch in pain." All but the "pain monkey" pledge 1577 yanked the dildos out of their cunts when the beeps started again, saying "Oh, fuck, yes again!" and a lady with the same voice was heard in their heads "Could one of you nice sluts knock that dildo out of 1577's hand and slap her to get her attention? She's not realizing that that was the instruction to stop using it because she likes the pain too much. You should have seen her get off to it in the maze! that's why she's the last one... Why did I have to get a pain slut, they're impossible to train sometimes. They never know when its a punishment or a reward."
Following Mistress Tanya's instructions pledge 1572 slapped pledge 1577's face managing to leave a red mark on the dark skin of her cheek, then slapped the dildo out of her hand. "Good, now bend her over and fist her while grabbing by the boobs and squeeze them like their Play-Doh so she knows who's in charge." Mistress Tanya's voice instructed. As pledge 1572 grabbed and pulled 1577 by the boob and twisted it until she was squealing on the ground "Thank you 1572! Your so nice to hurt me like I need!" And 1572 started working her hand into a fist in 1577's tight cunt.
Mistress Sara's voice piped in "Good slut, pledge 1572, you're such a fast learner! Could someone give her some orgasms as a reward? It's all you need to motivate her." Then Mistress Rebecca's voice was heard "Come on cum dumpster 1575, you can get to have some other girl's cum not just your own, don't be shy." And pledge 1575 shoved her head between pledge 1572's ankles and started sucking hungrily at 1572's cunt while 1572 lost herself in the pleasure and in hurting 1577 as Mistress Tanya instructed.
Mistress Sara and pledge 1572 were lost in their own little world and didn't notice "hentai slut"1574's Mistress Ruma command "1573 could you Grab 1574 and wrestle her into submission, make her lick your cunt as you bite hers. And bite her even harder if she doesn't do it right, make her learn how to do it right!" Soon the "hentai slut" pledge 1574 being grappled on the floor and restrained by the freckled pledge 1573. 1573 sitting her cunt on 1574's face while 1573 bit at 1574's cunt and worried it like it was a dog toy.
After a couple of hours of this sororities version of team-building exercises, Desiree's voice is heard "Very good mistresses! you have them working and playing excellent together. Let's have them clean up and give them something to eat (other than pussy), before we start training them more on how to eat cock properly too. Remember no orders during their down time, they need to unwind and realize how much they need to be commanded."
A door in the mirrored wall opened to a shower room, the girls got their keys, took off, cleaned, dried, and powdered their masks. And then followed this by showering, The team-building exercises were a success at eliminating their body modesty and personal space with each other, and they proceeded to wash and caress each other gently. Soaping up each other's backs, breasts, and asses, embracing and rubbing under the water. Afterward, they dried each other with warm towels and helped each other comb and dry each other's hair.
A door opened to a room filled with one big mattress, pillows, bowls of ready to eat cut fruit, finger sandwiches, and tall glasses of water balanced on small wooden trays on the mattress. The girls fed and cuddled with each other, just needing comfort and belonging. Soon they were almost having an orgy again, gently seducing each other. When pledge 1572 piped in "I am going to love you girls, I can't wait for us to be all members of the sorority." 1577 replied, "Yeah, we should probably get this "hazing" going, besides I'm super enjoying this, aren't you?" All the others blushed and agreed. 1572 answered, "Yeah, I haven't cum like this ever before in my life, all I want is the next orgasm. This 3D VR is great!"
They all helped each other lock on their luchador masks and another section of the mirrored wall proved to be a door and opened up.