Slavery - Page 14

I handed the man a thick envelope of money. At this level it would have been rude to count it but it was a lot of money, a price we had agreed upon. "Very good sir. At this price she can be with you through the end of your business stay
I could see that Janet was shocked at the offer. we had dated a few years back, and she knew i was kinky, but obviously she never understood quite how far my fantasies went. And now I was trying to make some of them craziest of them a reality with her
go to Cuba for a month, and i screwed around and didn't get my passport done in time so i couldn't go, so i was alone for a month and this day, it was just like any other day as it was hot and i was just relaxing on my doorstep hoping something interesting would happen or i would at least get a call
CHAPTER 5 We had been there for about fifteen minutes--grabbing and groping each other, sucking tits and cunts and my cock—when I saw Mark standing off to the side of the pool. Mark is my Chief of Security; there were signs of concern on his face
We slept most of the day away. When we finally did get up it was time for me to go to my aunt’s house. She and I showered together with a little play time mixed in. We got dressed and packed my into her car; which I have to say was a beauty
4 weeks have gone by, Steve is doing great! His business, clients and everything is going good since Rose took over the computer business. Everyday they get up after a night of sex, roses cooks breakfast, Steve put out tea for rose and they talk about her days work
*IMPORTANT* This is a new account for superkev123, I can no longer access my old one, so I am re-posting all my old ones here, and will also be uploading new ones. Chapter 13 I was sitting at the desk in my room with a picture of Jessica on my laptop screen
It’s no surprise: rich perverts can easily find a hidden corner of the Web to buy young women. Pay tens of thousands of dollars for a “storage cabinet,” as it would appear to the blissfully ignorant, and expect to receive your own little traumatized trafficking victim
"Our next peice of merchandise is a young Ameircan boy, 14 years of age. You can tell by his smooth black hair and deep blue eyes that he is defintantly a high peice of precious work. There is, as you can see, no excess body fat, he has a lean body and is in very good condition
*IMPORTANT* This is a new account for superkev123, I can no longer access my old one, so I am re-posting all my old ones here, and will also be uploading new ones. Chapter 6 David parked the truck in the back of the house and they got out. "I'll put it up tomorrow
Translated from the original Wuttenberg dialect in 1961. Sunlight twinkled on the babbling brook. The birds were singing
Descent. The sequel to Contraction. “Your future is with me now.” With those six words I became Cody’s boyfriend and he became my saviour. Jenny and I were over. Two years of an incredible sexual journey had ended with threats and recrimination
Chapter 15 == I woke up to Jessica's voice softly calling my name. "Steven." she said, her hand against my cheek. I sat up quickly, causing her to jump back in surprise. It was completely dark in the room. I was still lying on the bed, in my clothes
Note: Please comment! If you leave a negative rating, explain why. March 28th, 2002 The slaves gathered early the following morning, in the same room which had been used the previous Sunday. They were all on edge, curious as to whom the new master would be
4:55 pm I can’t wait one second longer. I stand and walk around my desk. I peek out into the lab to make sure that everyone is there. Sure enough, everyone is present, closing out their workstations for the day. I head directly for Anna