Slavery - Page 7

Chapter One: Get “Rich” Or Die Trying She leaned up against the brick wall of the local thrift store, close to Harrisburg Pike and Mound Street. It wasn’t the best of areas, but Angel had certainly been in worse. Her grey jean shorts, tshirt, and vest were worn
The entire world had shrunk to the confines of the library. Janet sat behind the desk, a pitcher of coffee in front of her, a pile of Journals there as well
My mom and her boyfriend of the last five years just broke up. After my parents divorced, mom dated a few guys but settled on Jerry
A common day in Wisconsin, snow lightly covered the ground and the roads were slick with ice. In front of a average looking house on a normal looking street lived a 19 year old boy who lived a generally normal life except for the fact he dabbled in the occult
Not for the first time Tracey looked out of the window and wondered if this was a good idea, flying into New Orleans hours before hurricane Katrina was due to strike
Winston McNeil was pissed off. He had been sacked from yet another job in the tourist resort of Runaway Springs. This time it was for taking home a half finished bottle of port one of the rich white hotel guests had left in their room when they left
Chapter Twenty-One – Acceptance The party was in full swing -- as were the three women hanging before the assembled mass of Clubmen and Femmes. They had only been up for a few minutes, but already I was aching in the cock
There was an explosion a few blocks to the west of the building, a gigantic blast that shook the windows and the walls of the tenement building, and snapped him from his reminiscing
heerleader Sale Short synopsis for the story: A Cheerleader is kidnapped and prepared to be sold into slavery Story codes: M+/f, Teen, BDSM, Slavery, NC, Heavy Eighteen year old Mandy found herself being dragged by her hair into the room built to resemble a large medieval torture chamber
We had met online on a site for those interested in BDSM, etc. There had already been many emails and phone conversations as well as a meet and greet for lunch. We were both about to embark on a new journey for both of us. She as a sub and me as a dom
[i]I was 5 when my mom died and a year later my dad remarried to Jan.She was 17 then and was concidered the hottest girl in town.When I turned 13 my dick swelled up and dark curly hair began growing around my crotch including on my balls whick had doubled in size
I have other stories I want to write, so I guess it’s time to finish this one… I grabbed Pam and red, and met Everett in the dungeon as directed, and thus began my instruction in the arts of torture. He told me to “mount" Pam on the St
I'm Andrew, I just turned 15 a month ago, I do OK in school, but make up for that in athletics. I play many different sports, and excel in most of them. I don't consider myself a popular person, but I fit in with that crowd, and good looking enough to get my fair share of girls
payment: first time "You may change in a bathroom if you'd like." Cathy had been led to a plush room, too large to be called a bedroom, although it contained several beds. Also a stage and lots of folding chairs. It had full mirrors on all sides and the ceiling