Spanking - Page 10
We eventually arrived at a residence…and I had to assume that it was her home. Much like the home we just left…her home was beautifully landscaped. It was huge in comparison to my home…she drove into the garage and turned off her engine

This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, or have any affiliation with the author. Chapter 8 February had arrived and with it finally came some brighter weather as the first green buds began to appear on the trees again

The Headmaster’s Room (Part 3) My story jumps forward 20 years to May of this year. In the intervening years I’ve been married twice, lived with two other guys and never had any children
Three days had passed since the threesome. I stayed clear of the X, but I was finding myself smoking weed far more regularly than I'd of liked. My goals in life never included becoming a pot-head. But there I was rolling joint after joint

Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter Twelve – The Feast Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author

I was the designated driver for a group of friends and I just dropped 2 of them at their places and it was just me (25, 5'7" chubby male) and Annie (35, 5'4" BBW) in the car
Mr. Ayden was a 34 year old teacher at Hilston High school. Some of the girls there thought he was really sexy, and usually by the end of the period they had wet panties and sultry fantasies about him. There were about a handful of girls who showed how much they fantasied about him

[Sorry for the delay between stories. I've been busy and debating which way to take the story. As always, I love to hear your thoughts, and ladies please e-mail me to chat about my work or anything naughty. Anybody can e-mail me to talk about my stories
It was a warm summer day over at stalkers island and the leader of the island was giving a speech on the island address when suddenly a pink Cadillac zooms by and smashes his private limo. His personal guards usher him inside where they are ordered to punish the owners of that car

Saturday Waking up on my couch in the lounge at my parents' bungalow following the fractured knee at the start of the week, I reflected wistfully on the past five days

I was disappointed that I had not seen the Major for a while; apparently I overheard my father saying he had gone away on holiday with his wife for two weeks. It did give me the opportunity to disappear off to their apartment every second day on the pretence of dusting and cleaning
I had just stopped for dinner at a truck stop and walked back out to my rig. I had fired the truck up and turned the air on high. Just the 200 yard walk from the truck stop to my truck had me soaked in sweat. It was 100 or above in the shade that day
Author's note: What to expect: This story is about light (very light) and playful spanking and people who are married, but not to one another. Stop reading if this isn't for you. Thanks! (c) J2Two
It's 30 minutes past 6 pm already. My husband is late again and I start to get upset. I cooked a special dinner for him and I was hoping we would be able to spend some time together while the kids were gone. An hour later he walks into the door

Author’s note: The Thamud were a real tribe in Ancient Arabia. No one knows why they disappeared around the time of the rise of Islam. Some say it was because they were Matriarchal in an ever more Patriarchal society