Violence - Page 2
King of Mandria, Lion clan Adina Maxor - Paladin Princess of Xendra, Sub-princess of Mandria, Lion clan --------------- Ambrose was running as fast as he could out the back of the palace
CHAPTER TWO 1ST FRIDAY Mike sleeps in until around ten thirty and wakes to find a note that Marlene has taken Janet to the pediatrician for a check up. The other two are in school, so the house is quiet. He finds coffee in the dripolator and pours himself a cup
The Black Willow 3 ---------------- This part 3 will connect The princess and the Captain and The Black Willow though, I suggest you read the Princess and the captain first
THE NAKED BEAUTY Chapter 1—Weeping Beauty Brandon clinched Mila to himself with barbarity. She pursued means to break free from his malice. He steeled his hands on her back, sweeping his unruly lips on hers, and then breathing out pensively
Zeus's words caused everyone to quiet down and watch for his next move. It was Hermes; however, that stood and moved to the center of the room in front of where I was positioned and began to speak
Looking back even as we were moving away, I saw a fully outfitted assault team. Swiftly they entered the building even as we went through the back wall accelerating rapidly

“I can’t bear anymore of this,” he whispered. A glass of brandy appeared under his nose. Dante took it and drank, trying to forget. “I know, lad. I know. There’s no escape any more. Kage found out it was me who told you where to run to. He… did things to me. Tried to make me tell
Chapter 1 Miley sat spacing out as her teacher droned on. It was her final year of high school, only a month remained, and she couldn't be happier to get out of the place
Chapter 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The loud, harsh clanging of swords smacking into and sliding against each other filled the air around the indoor running track. Macario and Jake were going at it while Béla and her daughter watched, cheering on their respective lifemates
Chapter 3: The Stage is Set It was day sixteen. Before me lay the beach, the water some two hundred paces away. Dozens and dozens of ships crowded the fjord, each packed full of warriors. Blue-green banners flapped gently above furled sails, emblazoned with a white tower castle
Jim was familiar with the town of Gonzales and he rode unerringly to the Sheriff's office on the old town square. He tied Chief to the hitching rail outside. He warily dismounted; he limped over to the closed office door and knocked on it

I started to go home after I picked up the place, no telling when Celina would be back, though knowing her the little that I did, it would be soon. I was about to leave when I saw the elder leaning against the door frame, "finally found out about Cloe huh?" he said a smirk on his face
Sam picked himself off the ground staring at Mellos. Rubbing the side of his face he thought, ’Damn I actually felt that.’ "What in the hell is your problem?" He asked. "You are, you miserable piece of garbage." Mellos spit out venom at him

Brandon was having a hard time coping with his life. His parents had split up and he had been forced to move with his Dad to Georgia. He as originally from New York and could not believe he was being forced to move to the south
CH1 Time to be a beast. Walking in to the house, the smell of blood heavy in my closes, I hear the water of the shower running, I see the steam pouring out from under the door. As I walk over to the door I see that she remembered to set a beer on the shelf