Violence - Page 7
This takes place on the planet Surnova during the end of their dinosaur period. The human’s here evolved faster than did their counter part on Earth. The next day I moved up toward the front to view the raiders. My God they covered the ground for as far as I could see
ations - Severely injured internal injuries Synthetic, Humanoid, Enlightened, Inquisitive, Living, Android - Sheila -------------- Inside Minneapolis I decided we needed to stop a while
clan Twitty - Grey Tabby clan Glenna - Bengal clan Mikos - Chartreux clan Commander of star cruiser - Wire hair clan General Roth - Leopard clan Theta - Cheetah clan Cornelius - one of Bill's Uncles Niaco – Bill’s brother’s mate Bill looked at the General for a few moments
SEX MURDER AND CRIME EPILOGE Everyone called her Kokanee. It was her nick name. Everyone had their own ‘street names’ all referred to them as. She was one of the oldest. 19 to be exact. For some one who lived on the streets for 11 years she was gorgeous
A Good Man 4 --------------- Tom could only stare his mouth hanging open
First some blatant advertising. I wrote most of this eight book series in the early 2000s. Publishers found it too racy for them to handle so I sought out an online publisher

Reyna. My name is Reyna. I learned to pronounce it with a roll of my tongue and a little wiggle of my ass. I was proud of it and of everything else I learned because I knew that Sam and The Doctor would be proud of me. That was all that mattered
In medieval Japan, in the province of Yedo, there lived a young samurai named Ukyo who pined day after day for the love of the handsomely beautiful Uneme. To Ukyo, Uneme was as perfect of a man as he had ever seen
Through the dark billowing smoke I tried to see what was going on, finally it was going to end. I took a step huh? Oh crap sorry I started at the end. This all started a few hundred years ago
Mark docked the shuttle as fast as he could, he'd been taking readings all the way back to King Rufus's planet

"We're going to teach you all sorts of new things" The ugly brute chuckled as he grabbed one of the the girls arms and pushed her into the cell. She stumbled onto the dirt floor as he swung the rusting metal gate shut, slamming it against the bars, rattling the cage like prison

My life in Texas has gotten quiet over the past two weeks and we’re down to the beginning of August and my girls and friends are looking at our last bit of time in Texas. We’re planned to head back in thirteen days and my personal life has taken itself to new highs
It was my first time gazing a pond his beautiful grayish-green eyes, cherry lips and his jelled back slightly spiked hair. He stood in front of my window where he had first showed up when I had first met him. Yamani was his name and I choked on saying it, big time
other Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci's father New Council Members ___________________ Pikon Corth Groton Tydeth Docal Clondal - female Lyndeth - female Creton __________________________ I could barely believe what I was hearing

ve, beauty and sexuality Artemis - Daughter of Zeus and Leto, goddess of the hunt, the moon, and chastity Athena - Daughter of Zeus and Metis, goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, strategic warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill