Consensual Sex - Page 296
Dear Readers, I would like to say first that I appreciate your comments on my first version of this story. They helped me focus on a few things that needed attention which encouraged me to write this revised edition. If you have read the previous version, please read this one

Sitting in the passenger seat of the car, while the ferry steamed toward its destination, 14-year old Kevin felt his boner crying out for attention. Deciding he could take in no longer, he opened the door, and made a beeline for the nearest single bathroom
Even though Carol, had gotten up out of bed first, Johnny made it in the shower first. because she had headed to the linen closet for towels. Grabbing some towels, she headed back the to bathroom

Rachael sat on the backseat of her mom's car and it was then that she realised that she had forgotten to put back her panties.She closed her legs tightly so her mom wouldn't found out that she's not wearing panties
Her'es another Omegle chat I just had with a random stranger. I hope she was really who she claims she was! Enjoy. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'

Read My Other Stories Before This One. Must be 18+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, I got my Exam results last week for my Biology class, I scored an A+ of course keeping my GPA at a steady 3.8

This is a continuation of my Cinderella story, following the life of Snow White. Cinderella was getting older. She retained her looks and her sexiness, but she was still getting older. She would be turning 31 soon, much older than she would have liked

Devon Beach I feel a drop of sweat drip down my back as I walk to Devon Beach at dusk. It's a very warm Saturday night late in the summer, great for a beach party and I'm excited
It was a smoggy, overcast day, and that partially accounted for it being so quiet, though it was the beginning of Christmas vacation
It was a cold Sunday night that night, around 7:30 pm in January, and Jay walked down his street to his neighbors’ house in a pair of jeans and t-shirt with his sweatshirt zipped all the way up and his hood on
Kate had been married for almost 25 years. Karl was a wonderful man, but because of his many medical problems, he had developed ED. Kate spent whatever time she wasn’t working in caring for Karl’s needs. Kate felt trapped, bored, and mostly sexually frustrated

Chapter 1 I started drinking when I was way too young. By the time I hit the legal drinking age, I had already been to rehab twice

Prologue Coming home wasn't an easy choice for Alan. He hated that after doing so well at his writing career, he had to come back here. North Carolina was supposed to be his past. Now he was standing in front of the same house he had tried so hard to leave
Fbailey story number 353 Wrong Place Wrong Time I had it made for a couple of months until summer rolled around. I had two girlfriends, one knew about the other, but not vice versa

The Yard Sale I am not a yard sale kind of guy. However as I drove past this farmhouse way out in the country I saw a tiny sign that said “Yard Sale.” The sign was being held up by a very pretty young lady