Death - Page 4

Part 1 Kelly was a creature of habit. Everyday at six AM she would don her jogging sweats and make the trek down the path behind her apartment. But little did she know that this day this fine summer morning was to be her last
My psychic premonitiom started right after I came into puberty. My Mother and I were at the market doing the weekly shopping and as we were about to go through the automatic sliding doors, I stepped in front of my Motherstopping her. A crazy man, drunk
standing in front of my fathers house the sky is getting dark,i looked up enjoying the view of the twilight for it has been long since i last enjoyed such a view

I was beyond fatigue when I came in from work late one night. I took a quick shower, shaved, brushed my teeth and headed to my bed. Sheila was in the bed and seemed to be sleeping soundly, but I couldn't resist cuddling up next to her
The repeated knocking woke me up. Was it Jayce again? I didn't need his bullshit this early in the morning. I threw the covers over and stepped out of bed, grabbed my glasses, and approached the door. "Oh, it's you." I was relieved it wasn't Jayce asking for more money

A funeral home is a place for death, but in a small town outside Richmond, until one Friday night. The phone rang at a little past two and he knew what it meant. Someone was dead. He took the information and thanked god that he didn’t have to go to a house tonight
Mark Jerked awake, what the hell? Last thing he remembered the drones had just touched down with him, oh yeah that's right Sam was mad at him, judging from the look on Nissie's face she wasn't too happy with him either

The Triplets Mona and I have only been married for the past three years and here she was threatening to leave me and take her daughters with her
Dear Reader: This is part 3 of a 10 part project. By itself this part is a brutal tale about Jeff’s pitiful attempt to get a sex slave. If the detailed account of the horrific disposal of someone’s dead body offends you, you might want to read something else

It was the seventh day of her journey back home. Kaylee, a black women barely considered twenty one was wearing the only thing she had clean. A tight blue dress that stopped halfway up her smooth carmel legs

The night was right, the dark passenger was awake and at the wheel. The full moon sat low in the sky shining through the windows of the car touching me and filling my veins with that intoxicating rush knowing that tonight is the night

Solomon's Daughters: Risa's and Kylie's Chapter This is the ninth chapter in the Solomon's Daughters series

Her midnight black hair swung slowly against the back of her black leather suit as she walked down the corridor to the last oaken door. Her tongue flicked across her ruby red lips as her heels thudded softly upon the carpeted floor
Someone recently sent me a story which had a Brittany Spears theme. It got me thinking. Do you have any idea how much I hate that girl? I mean really, I can't stand her. Pop icons in general really piss me off, but her in particular
Depressed. That word described me perfectly as summer very quickly came to an end. I felt as though my only happiness came from doing drugs or reminiscing on good times I had at the beginning of the summer, what seemed to be ages ago