Drug - Page 9

Leo Acquila took a slow sip of his Fire Choco whiskey as the clocks struck 10:00 p.m. The seventh heaven Bar was quiet as it always was at this time. It was one of the reasons he would drive and walk all the way to the slums just for a drink. Peace and quiet

I spent six years in a chaotic relationship because of my two beautiful children. It started off great but she became crazier as the years progressed. Logical thinking went out the window and my life became a nightmare

When I came too after my first multi fuck I was still in the dark room Mr. Miller had brought me to in the dance club. I was naked and covered in cum. I heard soft moaning and looked around. Mr
I found out my cousin was hooking out of some cheap, seedy motel room in a really bad part of town and decided to go down and confront her about it

(Guys Names and Ages Are, White Guys, Jay (28).. Mick (33).. Luke (21).. Black Guys, David (25).. Jim (40)..) This Is Just A Brief Put Together Of What Happened, But I Think You Can Get The Idea, Dont Come Posting Hating Comments Now Poeple As They Dont Bother Me What So Ever

Hi my name is Detective Olivia Benson and this the story of how I became the Stabler family sex slave…

I Sometimes Say the Dumbest Things by Vulgus () *** A young woman who knows better offers to babysit for her boss when he and his wife go on a cruise for their second honeymoon

We saw lights flicker in the distance and Josh was running with Ashley while she was grasping onto hold up the towel around her. Josh yelled in our direction “COPS

I Know This Story Isn't That Great, But This Is My First Story, So Don't Critisize

The comment section has been restricted to members only due to the abuse of spammers and other idiots. Feel free to PM your comments to me. Lucky Mann Lessons for the Tease Candie stood 5 feet, 5 inches tall and weighed a mere 110 pounds

INTRODUCTION - After the Army, I spent a little time living at my dad's house and had started college. I got involved with a married woman briefly and had an incredible whirlwind affair ("VIGNETTES II-Coming Home") with her and started to venture into sexual variations
Kehalis had lain awake for hours after he had set the guard listening for some sound from the side room into which the Arab had taken the blonde American pilot. But he could hear nothing over the snores of the exhausted men sleeping around him

Calina looked directly ahead of her at the massive cave opening boring directly into the side of a mountain that she stood before. It was 70 ft tall and 100 ft wide at least, in the shape of a semi-circle
Up to the day she got shot Lt. Faith O'Bannon believed she was all that and bulletproof. She stood 5'10" and weighed around 140 lbs. Her coppery hair was cut to a severe regulation style and length

CHAPTER THIRTEEN "Jennifer" Thursday, December 21st. Early afternoon A few minutes later, they pulled into the long driveway that led to Jennifer's house. The house was a large white home with two levels above ground and two more hidden underneath