
Two Teen Lovers Have An Experience Of A Life Time. True Story, Happened To Me. Names Have Been Changed. My first story of this kind, feedback would be greatly appreciated. Should I do a part two?
"You go and watch tv", Amelia said, pointing Jeff toward the living room. She clearly believed what her mother taught, that it was a woman's job to take care of her man, because she and Laura started working on making dinner
dWARNING: This work of Fiction contains Dark Themes, including Sexual Activity between Man and Boy, between Boy and Man, between Dog and Dog, as well as between Man, Boy And Dog..
Poster's notes This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too
As I sit here on my porch on this lovely Sunday afternoon, I reflected on my life. A life gone by, so quick and filled with many sweet memories; you see I’m an average town man who lived an average life
Hello, my name is Gwen. My late husband and I used to enjoy reading the adventures and stories on this site. We didn't partake but we enjoyed reading them enormously, thank you all
Brynn awoke with dizzying thoughts and questions. The night before had been unexpected and he wasn’t sure what to think. He loved his times with Gilbert but now felt despair that the older man might have changed his mind. It was surprising how quickly it had come about
I was bored as hell, sitting in my first period science class. The teacher was teaching us some bullshit that we wouldn’t really have to use in real life. I kind of drifted off in this class a lot to pass the time, but today I didn’t
My name is Ashley. I never thought I had it in me to become an escort but sometimes you have to do things you never thought you would do to succeed in life. Even selling, or giving my services every now and then to keep up with bills
Six months later Tony and I left school, he went to work with his father in the iron works, I went to work at the local Golf club, this was a strain on our relationship and Diane and I broke up
Chapter One If you asked any other guys, they’d tell you she was cute, but nothing special. They’d probably say she was too small, too skinny or too many freckles. Those other guys might point to the plethora of other women around the water park
INN and OUT A Young Boy's Fantasy Brought To A Darker Light When I was a young boy around the age of seven, I worked with my father run a small Inn just outside of the city
Just a bit of a back story to this and details so you can have better visualisation This is a true story of recent events, myself Steven 6foot, athletic build, brown hair and olive skin, 18years old
First, let me introduce you to the main character…Natalie Kosher. Natalie is 15 years old, she has strawberry blonde hair and sparkling green eyes. She stands 5’4 and is slim, athletic built. Her breasts are size 34, perfectly shaped, and she has ass, perfect ass
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Aruni knew very little about the world. She knew what she learned up until the fourth grade, and to her, that felt like an awful lot. She knew how to spell all of the states, what a verb is, and multiplication tables. She knew how to work the DVD player, and how to jump rope to 137