Older Female and Males - Page 9
My name is Damien and i was 13 when this happened. Let me tell you a little about me, i was tall probably about 5'9 r 5'8 about 175 pound and had a normal size dick .Ok my 18 year old cousin moved in with us cause she was having family problems
My mother was responsible for collecting all the Children’s Society charity collection boxes each year, normally just before Christmas

I hope you have read parts 1 through 4, to really understand this whole family and friends dynamic that my wife of almost 30 years had with her family, and our good friends Pete and Karen. They were our first swing partners and remained close friends through all of these years
For those who have not read the firxst partrs, I am a young boy, adopted by his Aunt, who with her companions keep me as a sex-toy. Now read on . . . The days following Tara’s party were unlike any other I could remember

''Hey, ma !'' ''Hey sweetie! How was your day ?'', she replied from the bed while watching TV. ''I'm exhausted.'' ''My poor boy. Come here and get some rest.'' I quickly showered, put on some boxers and jumped in the bed next to my mum
Episode V Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 47: A Family Affair I had previously met Holly’s parents, but that was when we were boyfriend girlfriend. It’s a little different when we are engaged

“I'm home.” Jimmy yelled as he walked in the door still sweaty from football practice
Lonely Julie Chapter 8 By 10 o’clock Timmy urgently needed his shit. Sally and Julie were watching the beach through binoculars looking for the 52 year old woman they had told Timmy about. At 1020 she arrived at her favourite spot and lay face down on a big towel to sunbathe
One night a few months after catching my mom fucking our neighbor, I was wandering about the neighborhood after dark, smoking weed, and contemplating on the erotic and upsetting scenario I had seen on that fateful evening
He watched as his best friend and his dad drove off with their boat in tow. He wasn't sure what they were thinking leaving to go fishing on mother's day but their loss might be his gain

The leather mother A fantasy only and did not happy feedback welcome Looking back now I feel so dumb, that I did not pick up on the signs earlier. Let me explain. I am Josie a 44 year old divorced mother who had her son late in life

In the beginning Interspecies sex is as old as the hills. Well almost, but certainly has been happening since man began to domesticate wild animals. Wolves teamed up with humanoid hunters, using the superior brain of the biped to ensure a supply of meat and a security of existence

Chapter 1 When I was nine, my dad got married to this woman he had met during one of his trips. He is a long-haul truck driver and I remember the first time I met her, Lara was her name. Well, she was very pretty

5 Months later… Summer had come and gone. It had been pretty good too. I was still cumming in my mom’s mouth daily, and since I was out of school and home most days, we were usually squeezing an extra one in there, raising my average to 4+ blow jobs a day
Moving into our holiday unit we meet our neighbours. “Hi, I’m Trevor and this is Sue, can we give you a hand shifting in?” “Sure, that would be great! I’m Adrian and this is Patrice.” “Peter, come help us” Sue calls and their son walks out to help