Information - Page 8

This was her favorite village in Hawaii. Everyone was as friendly as can be, tourists were minimal, and the scenery was breathtaking, making it one of her favorite places to do photo shoots

It had been a long week, I had a ton of homework and Linda was really busy at work. We hadn't been able to fuck for a few days and I was starting to go crazy

Miss Emma Rose I scrunched my nose at the heavy textbook I pulled from the cheap plastic bag. “Jesus Emma,” My roommate Katie snorted as she caught a glimpse of the thickly bound book. “I told you that you should have just taken a history course instead

Finding Love Along the Tracks Chapter 7 - Chasing Trains The next morning, John woke up to every man's fantasy. On his right, he had the love of his life, Kelsy, and to his left, was a girl that his family rescued from her father after he got her pregnant when they black mailed her
The sound of their muffled voices game them away and Tifa’s crimson eyes snapped open, its only been an hour and more Shinra soldiers were lining up at her cell door for another lesson

3 Susan woke up in the morning with a terrible headache. She did not realize where she was at first but then recognized Michael's bed-room. She suddenly realized that someone was sleeping with her and was holding onto her breast
Kathy Travis was sitting on her front porch talking to her best friend Sarah about the things going on in their lives when the topic of sex came up, which if Sarah Waller is in the conversation is quite often
My wife is a professor at a small liberal arts college in the Midwest. She teaches students who are going into exercise-related fields - physical therapy, personal training, health promotion, etc. She loves the field and took staying in good shape very seriously
It was a warm sunny day; it felt like it was a million degrees out it was so hot. Justin was getting his bags packed for a trip up north to visit some family members. Justin was an eighteen year old boy, about 5’11 with brown hair and an athletic body. Justin just graduated high school
Matt was what you would consider to be an average 15 year old. He lived with his parents, went to school, went to parties, normal high school stuff. Matt’s dad traveled a lot so it was usually just him and his mom in the house
Dear Diary - Part III Another month has gone by, and things are wonderful. Mom has been very true to her word. I am so proud of her. She has totally stopped drinking, and going out to the bars all together
PART 1 – The Guy Even without the storm that had added a unique atmosphere to my first ‘session’ with the Little Girl, the woods still looked sombre, overbearing and scary
Jack and Adrian It was Monday and I really didn’t want to go to work, but because of the little things like food, rent, gasoline and utilities, not to mention three credit cards, which were used up, and no longer available for purchases, I had to get my butt out of bed

After the latest cheerleader party rendezvous, I had a lot to think about. I managed to head home from that gathering without telling Danielle about what happened