Fiction - Page 606

Just a little after her sixteenth birthday, Jessie ran away from home. Her mother was a drunk who was usually so plastered that she staggered around the house in her baggy house dress, falling over the furniture till she passed out
GOOD SERVICE By Mr Eaddy I drove as fast as I could down the long narrow street in my blue Ford Focus trying to get this pizza delivered. This was my last stop of the night it was about 930 pm, and I could barely see where the hell I was going my high beam lights didn't help any
So the next day I went back to my house. My mom had literally no idea that I was having sex with anyone. But I brought John with me. I wasn't sure if that would make things better or not though. She was sitting on the couch watching The Talk . “Hey sweetheart
Belinda by Gail Holmes Belinda was a wonderful person, great personality, bubbly; jocular and always full of fun; she’d a list of friends as long as your arm
Barbara Lewis sat at her kitchen table in her apartment with a worried look on her face. In front of her on the table were a bunch of bills. She was behind on them, some by even more than thirty days, and she needed close to $1000 dollars to pay them all off
Daniel had managed to avoid Noah the rest of the day. He was almost at his house when he looked up and saw Noah standing on his porch. Daniel stormed up to him. “What? What do you want now?" Daniel asked angrily. He looked at Noah and Noah looked hurt and confused
I have been a policeman for almost 20 years. On this particular morning I had finished my night shift and had headed on home
The Project 5 This yet another part to Terry and Lou’s school project: Terry was sitting at his desk the events of the last few weeks had been staggering. His dad was becoming more feminine every day
Mary discovers David with the girls. The three of them slept well for the following few nights, although oddly enough none of them felt inclined to immediately repeat the joys of that first session
Sexual Roll Playing One Friday evening my wife talked me into letting our fifteen-year-old daughter go out to a party. I was not happy with it but my wife assured me that she would make it worth my while. We had recently gotten into some roll playing
I awoke a week later, at 6am to find my house empty. My mother must have left during the night. Tomorrow, Monday was football tryouts. This meant I would have to go get cleats, under armor and gloves. I had about $1000 dollars left in my account from my last job
Candice knew it was a bad idea. She met Max at a play she and her husband Greg had attended. It had been a dumb play where people act as dogs. Max was an interesting man. Bigger than her husband, mustached and far more assertive
It was their first meeting. They'd exchanged a few emails discussing possible scenarios, but now it was the real moment of truth. The would-be submissive knocked on the door, his heart beating with a mixture of anticipation and dread. The door opened to reveal a younger man
"Good Morning, Beautiful” You were so warm when I woke up this morning. I didn't want to leave you. When you read this I'll be already at work for the day. I'll be thinking about you all day. I left you some tissue paper so you won't have to bother getting up out of bed
Lloyd's Angel by Virtual Scott October 2010 It was shaping up to be another busy day. The remote vibrated discreetly in my pocket and I headed for the mall entrance. "On it," my partner's voice sounded in my earbud