Fiction - Page 618

Sharon was sitting at the breakfast table alone, cum slowly dripping from her mouth down on her naked tits. She'd just finished sucking off her two sons before they went to their summer job, her husband left before breakfast
“Well, well,” Jack said, leaning against the door frame. “This looks cosy.” “Shhh,” Bobby murmured. “Don’t wake her. She had a rough session.” “Yeah?” Jack said, surprised. “Didn’t figure her for the rough type.” “She was wild, Jack. I’ve never been with somebody so…” he smirked
Warning, this story is not for everyone. It contains snuff and rape. If this is not your cup of tea, do not proceed. You will not find what you are looking for down below. If however you are looking for something like that, then enjoy. All characters are above the age of 18
It was a Friday night. My friend Spencer, who is 14, came over to spend the night. We were playing Saint's Row on X-Box 360, taking turns on missions. I have secretly been gay for a long time. As I looked at Spencer he turned his head from the television
Grandpa woke me up as usual and we ate breakfast before he gave me my enema and stuffed me with the same plug from yesterday. It was easier to take today and it wasn’t painful or uncomfortable. Grandpa didn’t seem satisfied with this. “Looks like you adjusted to that one quickly
Welcome to part 11 of “Help!”. This continues from parts 1 through 10, which you can find on my author profile page . :) *** Later that day, back at the old wishing well where Danny had confessed his feelings to him, Jake was getting impatient
"Don't trouble yourself, sweet heart," Derek watched as one of the house maids roughly scrubbed the kitchen floor. She was hired 4 months ago and was paid so little even though she worked harder than anyone else in the house did. Derek didn't even know she worked here until a month ago
Sally has a session with another couple for money. It led to toy play. I was pondering about Sid and Sue and also about Abby. It seemed that men wanted to see their wives with another woman. I had experienced it but I didn’t think it was that “usual”
I couldn’t believe it. My uncle was dead. It was happening all over again. You see, when I was 4, my dad died from a heart attack. My family was devastated. Not having a father figure to look up to, my uncle became my surrogate father. We played ball, he helped my with projects
My name is Cindy. I’m 20 years old, 5’4” and weigh about 120 pounds. I have light brown hair that I keep a little bit longer than shoulder length 34c tits and I exercise regularly to keep my body in good shape
Hi, my name’s Jake. I’m 17, I have short cropped dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, glasses, and a relatively clear complexion. I’m 5’8”, 145lbs., and I would say my body is fairly well toned. I’m no muscle-kid, but I’m pretty average
“Honey, are you going to get up off that couch and help me with anything today, or am I going to have to get nasty about it?” Jill asked half-teasingly of her husband, Chet
As I had started originally it was getting later than I had expected, and I wasn't sure if the beauty of my affectionate lust would be showering this late, but no way was I about to give up the chance, tonite was one of the nights when I was exceptionally horny
I had just got home from my community college and my younger brother was already in the only bathroom With the shower on. I needed to pee. I needed to pee really badly, so I barged in the bathroom thinking Rob would be safely behind the glass door, and I could slip in for a whiz
Fucked my little junior It is an fictional story .. hope you give an positive reply and comment for this type of story if you want I’m a 22-year-old boy just passed out of engineering with a size to die for (whatever you can imagine )