Sex Joke

1. Call. 2. Don't lie. 3. Never tape any of her body parts together. 4. If guys' night out is going to be fun, invite the girls. 5. If guys' night out is going to involve strippers, remember the zoo rules: No Petting. 6
Wigi wigi wild wild west! -Digimon lemon for Iceflame 88's contest by MISTER BIG T After MISTER BIG T made the Bam bam shiga wang lemon, AIDS (All Intelligent Digimon Servants) got angry from it, saying a vampire becoming a Digi emperor was not cool
This is my first attempt at publishing the events of my life so constructive criticism is welcome but don’t be an ass. It was Friday night just after the football game. I had permission from my parents to stay the night with my best friend Jason
by nivek_88 Yesh, I know tI should wait and do 3, but I can’t wait to see what happens next Fiction, Blackmail, Coercion, Consensual Sex, Romance, Teen Male/Teen Female Author's infos Gender: Male Age: 23 Location: Cleveland, Ohio Posted 5 days ago Report Introduction: The Aftermath
New kid I was the new kid. The only people I could pretend to know were primary school friends, but I had not seen any of them since grade six - everything had changed
Clad in a pair of black panties and a matching push up bra, the dark haired woman was, Sean well knew, only a few years younger than his own mother. Not that he could ever imagine his mother looking anything like the woman in the bathroom, not even back when she had been his age
.see all of the landscape speeding past my view then he says "ya know you never did tell me your name". "Oh sorry its Isabelle". "Ha now i know what to scream"! "Wait what" i say then the car speeds up and we're driveing like 80 miles an hour
Just in case you think you've heard it all We got our hands on a little known about revision of the original Star Wars movie script that substitutes the word "pants" into many of the lines DARTH VADER: I find your lack of pants disturbing
Whichaven civic leaders are flushed with pride after their toilets were called the best in the region by the British Toilet Association. The judges were particularly impressed by the way both parties on the council regularly sat down together
Frank owned a full grown African Elephant and due to the rising costs of living, he found it was getting expensive to feed his pet. Frank thought long and hard for a solution and upon watching a circus program on T.V. thought of the perfect scam to make some quick money
Man: Haven’t I seen you someplace before? Woman: Yes, that’s why I don’t go there anymore. Man: Is this seat empty? Woman: Yes, and this one will be if you sit down. Man: Your place or mine? Woman: Both. You go to yours, and I’ll go to mine
“Oooh Tammy you keep sucking me like that and you’re going to make me cum in your mmmmoooouuuutttthhhh.” I locked in on Tammy’s eyes and with her fingers wrapped around me she kept sucking until every last drop was consumed. She was so proud of what she had just accomplished
Marriage - Part I Typical macho man married typical good-looking lady and after the wedding, he laid down the following rules: "I'll be home when I want, if I want and at what time I want and I don't expect any hassle from you
1. The average cucumber is at least 6 inches long. 2. Cucumbers stay hard for a week. 3. Cucumbers won't tell you size doesn't count. 4. Cucumbers don't get too excited. 5. Cucumbers never suffer from performance anxiety. 6. Cucumbers are easy to pick up. 7
I'm sure that upon reading this, you'll nod your head in agreement as you will all have experienced most, if not all of the scenarios listed. If you haven't you need more fiber.. The Perfect Dump Every once in a while everyone experiences the perfect dump