Fiction - Page 639

Heather and I finished up our chores for the day around noon. I lay on my bed, exhausted from lack of sleep, when she walked into the room. Heather moved along the bed to the point that she was far enough forward to kiss me
"Hey there sexy sisters! What will it take to make you break your vows?" called out the young black man. The two young nuns ignored him as they walked by the cheap hotel room
He went through the motions Monday, his first class being potions. From all his independent study he didn’t need to look at the instructions when snape put them up on the board
DAVIDS MOM'S ADVENTURES By Docker5000 Part 1 David Hart lay on his bed reading a sci-fi comic and relaxing, it was only the first week, of his summer holiday from college. And he was already board. June Hart was in her bedroom stripping off the dirty sheets from her bed
You really need to read Dan’s Story posted on 2 Nov 12 first. Dan, Sharon, Ann and Tia set off late that day, as Dan wanted to carry on searching for more people and, if possible a reason why everyone else had disappeared
PHASE 1 - BY THE NUMBERS Fate hung in the balance of a pair of lacy panties. Megan found herself pressed against the office window, my breath hot on the back of her neck. “Someone will see us!” she hissed in protest
Part 2 The kids all came back from changing out of their wet clothes, all except for Becky. I yell up the stairs to her that dinner was on the table and to get down here
“Maddison’s Panties” Note from the author; this story does not condone incest or sex between family members. This is purely written for entertainment value. This story is set in the country of Australia. A 20-year-old girl named Maddison who is staying with her dad
One night I came home from school and I hadn't done the dishes from the night before. My father was already mad at me for various other screw ups, and the dishes just pissed him off. I am a boy, young, in my teens, I'm of a very light, almost feminine body type
"You're cooking for me?" asks Hayley. She's smiling at me sarcastically, as though a man can't cook. "That's a woman's job," she says. I take out the fish and begin to skin it, not noticing her when she comes up behind me. She's as silent as a hunter
Life is idyllic in the sleepy seaside town of Heaven’s Cove. The people are exceedingly friendly and helpful. One can get a friendly hello where ever you go. Just be careful if you bring your wife or girlfriend to this sleepy little town, she might never be the same after
Little Sister I was at the post office the other day and I had quite a blast from the past as I ran into a woman I use to know named Stacey. Stacey is the little sister of my hot blonde ex-girlfriend Shelby who I have not seen in a about ten years
This is another story about Tate and his small adventures, after an year, Kain moved out which left Tate really down. Spring time, usually, at this time of the year, I would go out with Kain and talk all night about random stuff, which was cooluntil now..
Waking up in the morning changed drastically in the past few weeks. I used to wake up with a cloud of silence and loneliness hanging over my head. The girl I used to date left me because she was moving away and as I found out, had no intention of trying to be together from a distance
I grew up in a small mountain town, to give you a clue my elementary school preschool -8th had only 58 kids in it. To say everyone knew each other is an understatement. I was an average boy, and everybody loved my for my kind heart and large since of humor