Blowjob - Page 394

Mom Caught Me pt. 5 Detention with Miss Hunter was always brutal. She had a very commanding presence in any situation and had absolutely no tolerance for horseplay

~This story is completly fictional and created from my imagination!~ "Daddyyy! Bathtiiiime!" my daughter yelled from down the hall. I got up from my office chair, closing my work documents. Taking care of my angel was far more important to me than paper documents or work

Leslie came hopping down the stairs in her cute blue miniskirt, showing off her shapely figure as she descended. She looked amazing as she always does, doing her makeup and hair to look gorgeous for her trip

Ok, so this is my first story. I hope you like it. I understand that it may have a few problems with it, but I’m only just getting into writing after being a long time reader of a lot of people’s work on here
Over the past couple of months Andrea and I had gotten used to each other and we were getting to be quite the couple. She had cut her hair and changed the color so she looked a lot different than that awful night that I had first met her

Dear Diary, What a great start to the New Year! I can’t believe how randy Kyle got after thatrather fucking hot Christmas Eve

THE TRICK It was the first time Ryan had been invited to a party he was a little bit nervous because a girl he liked was there and so was her boy friend everyone thought he was gay because of the way he dressed and spoke and how he acted
please excuse any grammatical/punctual errors as English is my second language
“Tring, tring,tring” went off the alarm at 5 O’clock in the morning. Fuck I hate it every day when it rings at that hour
b]Poster's notes[/b] This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too

Dear reader, This is my attempt in writing an erotic short story. Your reviews, ideas, comments regarding language or vocabulary, the pace of the story, and the amount of erotic comment is invaluable to me

NOTE: To aid in the visualization, I have pics of CutieMish(Michelle Lam) in my album My Fuckable Asian Fantasies. Michelle Lam is a 20 year-old girl of Asian descent, living in a small town just outside of London, England

Author's Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy
My full time job is as a female medical assistant to a leading urologist in a major city. I sought out a career in this field mainly due to my fascination with penises. One of my patients recently hired me on the side to tutor his 16-year old son
Freshman Girl By: DamonX () "No. No. No. Maybe if I was drunk. No. No." Reaching my hands up and placing them lazily behind my head, I reclined against the large oak tree at my back and continued to check out the steady stream of girls walking past me. "No.Yes. No