Fiction - Page 628

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or its characters. I do not make money from writing this story Chapter 5: Discovering her new friends It had been a week that had happened to Naruko Nami and had become a prostitute. She had no memory happier than those she had made this week
CAREFUL WHERE YOU JOG 2 First I want to apologize to any of the parts that offended anyone; in the first story I tried to reach the interests of various readers
CHAPTER SEVEN: ANAL TRAINING “Mr. Woodburn, Tina is here.” I was walking toward her cubicle, which had a clear view of anyone approaching from the elevators. As I came to her desk, “You didn’t call her, Sir?” She listened and hung up the phone. “Go right in, Tina
William and Ann Chapter 15 It had been five weeks since William had entered Ann’s room and inseminated her with the sole intent to create a love child with his sister
"No, Thomas is hott. Jake is just cute. You know, like the boy next door, nothing special."I told Heather as we walked to the locker room . We walked pased the basketball court, and there he was the most georgous guy I new
I awoke the next morning a bit disoriented. The alcohol from the night before clouded my perception as I slipped into consciousness. It also gave me a small headache and raging thirst
Laura -- Chapter 1 After getting two college degrees over eight years, I got out of psychology before I got into it. What was the problem? People are not like cars. The muffler gets too loud in a car, you patch it or change it and the car is quiet again
Authors Note: This was the first erotic story I ever wrote and originally posted it 07/10/09. I wrote this story at the request of an online friend who went by Shy155. She was in a sexually unfulfilling relationship and desired a three-way with her friend's college-age daughter
I’m Max, a 23-year-old black man recently commissioned as Second Lieutenant in the United States Air Force, serving at my first duty location, Mountain Home AFB, Idaho
Part 7: "Come on, girls! Up! Up! Up!" It was early in the morning, hours before dawn. In the pitch-black bedroom, the sound of snowflakes hitting the window sounded like radio static. The girls all grumbled in annoyance, even the usual, perky Sonja
Lee woke Kim up as he carried her to a bedroom. "How long have I been asleep?" Kim asked her brother, as she was carried bridal style up the stairs towards her bedroom
This is the sequel to 'Sarah left me 1 to 6'. You will understand better if you read them first. I woke up next morning and looked at Lilly's beautiful, naked body beside me. We had slept without even a sheet over us
Disclaimer: Doing anything to another without consent is not only wrong, it is evil. But there is a difference between fantasy rape and real rape. Although the following story is fictional, it based around a completely consensual role play indulged in by the author and her Master
“I want you to fuck me” my sister announced as she draped her jacket on a chair. ”What?” She looked at me, a small frown across her forehead, “Screw me. Let’s go to bed so you can get off in me.” I heard her but was a little slow on the uptake
I awoke seconds before my alarm went off. I sat up with wide open eyes and an even wider smile; today was the day, my 17th birthday, the day I has been waiting for since I was 6